Chapter 8: Sirius

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Regulus and I stood side by side at the front gates of Hallows Academy after Bill waved us goodbye and good luck. The gates were large, thick and reminiscent of a cage. In the middle of the wrought iron was the symbol of the Hallow's woven delicately and embossed in silver. I peered through the gates at the looming castle that was to be our school. All ancient, crumbling stones and stained glass windows. In the centre of the courtyard, between the gates and the huge front doors, was a large fountain spouting icy water. The centre were three men, one holding a wand, one holding a stone and one holding a cloak, all looking grim. These were the namesakes of the school. The Pevrell brothers built the school from nothing in the late 1400's and it still stands to this day, in 1976, and the school upheld their values. "Looks like a church." I mutter, glancing at Regulus.

"Good because you need an exorcism." He replied shortly. I smirked a little and looked away from my brother back to the gates. "You think we should go in?" I ask, already knowing his reply. "The acceptance letters told us to wait by the gates for someone to come and pick us up. Wait." I said sharply. I rolled my eyes but said nothing, knowing that he was right and I didn't want to make a bad impression on my first ever day of real school. Just as I was changing my mind about waiting patiently by the gates and starting exploring, the double oak doors flew open and out stepped five people. In the middle was an elderly woman, with sharp brown eyes and many wrinkles creasing her pale cheeks. Her charcoal hair was twisted into a neat bun low on her head and she wore thin spectacles perched on her nose. She wore a floor length, emerald green skirt and a white blouse, with a thick green blazer and clothes.

On one side of her, I recognised two people, a tired looking Remus Lupin and his redheaded friend, I racked my brain for her name. I focused on her blazing hair and focused eyes and mess of freckles; Lily.

On the other side of the old woman was a girl that I didn't recognise. She was tall, with the darkest skin I'd ever seen. Her doe eyes were even darker than her skin was and she was styled in the most intricate beautiful style that I was sure that even my artist baby brother couldn't comprehend. Then my eyes shifted to the boy next to her, with his sallow skin and greasy hair and ugly scowl. Snape. I instantly stiffened in defence mode. I was happy to see that there was a purple bruise on his chin and a bouncy ball sized bump on his forehead, partially covered by his lanky hair.

Regulus must have felt me stiffen because from my peripheral vision, I caught him glancing at me, his light blue eyes sliding to my face, then quickly back to the rapidly approaching group.

When they were through the gates, Remus idled up to me, he was faster than the others and Lily had to trot to keep in step with him. I noticed a small instant camera swinging off of Lily's hip, it swung rapidly, matching the pace of which she walked. When they were about a metre away, Remus stopped and gave me a courteous nod. I grinned at her, "Is that how you would greet an old friend?" I snarked. Remus raised an eyebrow,

"What gave you the impression that I like you?" He asked casually.

"Remus!" lily shrieked, reaching up to bat his head, but she was grinning an adorable smile, much different to how she seemed in the pub only a few nights before.

"I have a niggling feeling you adore me." I grinned at Remus and he returned the smile. That wiped the smile off of my face.

Remus Lupin had an alarming smile. A half smirk really, that made my heart thump rapidly. I wondered how it must feel to be so intimidating. "What's the matter Black?" Remus asked, raising his golden brown brow again. I shrugged but didn't glance back at him in case he was smiling. Instead I turned to RegulusI preparing to introduce the two, but he had successfully separated himself from us completely, standing off to the side, his black earmuffs blocking his face from my view. I frowned but said nothing as the elderly lady began to speak. "Good Morning to you both, Mr Blacks." She said curtly, I'd normally be inclined to despise any adult who held authority over me, but I didn't feel that way inclined with this women, similarly to Andromeda, Mrs Potter and Bill. I smiled politely at the women, trying to remember the name that my mother had been trying to drill into my head, but for the life of me I couldn't. "Good morning, Headmistress Mcgonagall. It's a pleasure to be here." My brother said, bowing his head a little. I rolled my eyes and watched as James suppressed a giggle. The headmistress clearly didn't find the gesture off putting in any way, or if it did, she didn't comment on it. Headmistress Mcgonagall smiled at us kindly with her thin lips, "I'd like you to meet your heads of houses. Sirius, for you it's Remus Lupin and Lily Evans, though it seems that you're already acquainted." She turned to Regulus. "And for you Regulus, it's Severus Snape and Dorcas Meadows. " Snivillus gave a stiff nod, but made no inclination to introduce himself to my brother and for some reason I was offended. On the other hand, Dorcas Meadows, strode over to Regulus and casually held out her hand, a warm small playing on her perfectly round lips. Regulus hesitated a second before gripping her hand and shaking it, offering her a small smile.

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