A Situation Indeed

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Trent and Justin talked for a long time after their meals. As Justin rambled on about a story of his modelling, Trent looked at his face and started to zone out. The way Justin talked with such passion was interesting to him. Trent found himself scanning Justin, both his face and his voice. He was listening, but most of his mind was fixed on the attractive man talking. Justin was very attractive. The way his soft and warm voice spoke with passion, the way his facial harmony melted into a gorgeously tan face, the way Trent's stomach fluttered when admiring him.. what was Trent thinking?

Suddenly, Trent shook his head and regained focus. What... was that? Was he just admiring Justin's beauty? Trent was a bit shook at himself, but he kept quiet, and soon enough forgot about it. Luckily, Justin didn't notice Trent's facial expressions changing either.

"So after that, this woman comes up to me and she's like, Oh my god, your the guy from that billboard, like, right there!" He laughed, and Trent did too, not exactly following but still finding it entertaining.

After a while of talking and sharing stories later, the conversation became more small talk as Trent looked at his watch.

"Wow.. its 3pm already! I should probably get going now.. it was nice seeing you man." He said, shaking Justin's hand. Justin smiled and responded.

"Yeah, it was nice. Talk soon?" He said, shaking firmly back.

After the goodbye, Trent walked out and came back to his apartment. Unlocking the door, he let out a tired sigh, after the long and enjoyable hangout with Justin. It was amazing, but he was super tired. He took off his coat and hung it up, before flopping on his bed, staring at the ceiling. He ran his fingers through his sweat-filled hair, letting out a long sigh. His mind drifted back to the hangout with Justin. Especially that one moment of admiration... what was that? And why did he feel butterflies in his stomach? Usually, Trent would take anyone to admire Justin. He was a supermodel after all. But this was different. Something Trent hadn't felt before, and it sent a chill down his spine. Was that.. more than platonic?

Trent brushed it off, standing up after a few minutes of deep thoughts. He went to the bathroom, and looked in the mirror, combing his hair. He shook it out, before placing his hands on the counter. He looked in the mirror with a serious expression, and thought of Justin. Something tingled inside of his stomach. What was that? It wasn't exactly this romantic feeling.. was it?

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────

Justin walked into his apartment kitchen, thinking about dinner. He pulled out some steak from the freezer, and placed it on the bench. He didn't cook often, as this was his first rental living alone. He pulled out his phone and opened Google.

"How to cook steak in a pan?" He searched. With the confused look on his face slowly faded to a nervous one, he took a deep breath and followed the instructions very carefully. He treated it like he was cooking a gourmet meal, reading very carefully and making sure to do everything right. He placed the steak onto the heating pan with oil, and flinched back as he placed it, expecting something to explore. When he did it, he grinned as wide as he could and yelped in happiness.

"Yes! I did it~ I did it~" He started saying in a singsong tone. Checking the cooking meat quickly, he then spoke out. "Alexa, play some music."

Justin's Alexa responded in its normal nasal tone, putting on music in the background. Losing focus, he started swaying his hips as he watched the steak cook. After a few minutes of dancing, Justin had completely lost focus. And as he started feeling a heat rising on his back, he turned, and his eyes widened in terror.

Oh shit.

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────

Trent paced back and forth, thinking. Thinking about Justin. That single moment in time, that drifting feeling as butterflies rose in his stomach, was making him use his whole afternoon to question his sexuality. But, as he looked into the mirror again, he took a deep breath and whispered under his breath.

"I'm sure it was nothing... it was nothing." Trent mouthed. Suddenly, a loud, melodic ringtone echoed off the tiles. Trent checked his phone, and sure enough, Justin was calling him. Trent shrugged and spoke again to himself once more. "Speak of the bloody devil."

Trent pressed the accept and brang the phone up to his ear. But, to his surprise, Justin did not sound normal. His breath was shaky, sounding extremely confused and upset. He was breathing very rapidly, trying to catch his breath. In the background, the commotion of loud voices yelling to each other, water spraying, and a bunch of miscellaneous background noise.

"Justin? Are you okay?!" Trent's face showed concern as he raised his voice over the phone. After a few deep breaths, Justin spoke.

"Trent.. uh.. hey!" He spoke loudly over the noise, breathing heavily. "Small, meaningless favour... Do you think i could stay with you for a while? I may of gotten myself into a bit of a... situation."

Trent spoke. "Yeah, uh, I guess that's fine. But what do you mean... a situation?" He frowned, seeming a bit concerned as he listened to Justin. 

"Well.. I may of just set my apartment on fire trying to cook myself some steak." Justin said, his voice shaky and shook as he glanced up at his apartment. "So I'm gonna need a place to stay for awhile."

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