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Trent opened his eyes slowly, his vision blurry. He yawned silently, feeling the soft warmth of the covers surrounding his body. At first, he wasn't very conscious of his surroundings, but as his mind started to run, the memories of last night came back to him. At that moment, his head spun around in shock to his side, and he saw exactly what he expected to see. Justin was lying in the bed next to him, naked and asleep. His hair was ruffled and messed up, with bags under his eyes and multiple bruises on his neck. Trent let out a nearly silent gasp of surprise seeing them, and his surprised, slightly parted lips quickly closed as he realised what they were. Trent was sat up now, his bare chest bent upwards into a half lifted position. Trent groaned a little bit, and twisted his body to stretch and look around at the mirror beside the bed.

Trent looked at his own reflection. He looked similar to Justin, fully naked. He also had bruises on his neck and shoulders, hickeys from Justin's hungry lust the night before. He looked like a mess. Trent bit down a smile, his mind vividly replaying the events of last night. He started to review every last detail, looking down from the mirror as his cheeks flushed a bit.

Trent slipped out of bed, and slipped some fresh clothes on before going out to the kitchen. He began to boil a jug of water to make a morning coffee, feeling quite tired from... previous events. Just then, he heard footsteps and saw Justin's figure enter the dining room from the corner of his eye. Trent turned around to face him, and smiled a bit at seeing his unreadable face.

"Morning Justin." Trent chuckled a bit. Justin had his eyebrows raised as he stood there, frozen in his spot with a slightly flushed look on his face. He looked up at Trent with lots of emotion, his facial expression not quite understandable just yet. Justin breathed out and smiled.

"Morning." He responded. Justin then stretched his arms, twisting his back and yawning. Both men were extremely sore, their muscles aching.

"Want a coffee?" Trent asked, smiling. Although he felt mostly comfortable, a part of him was still trying to avoid conversation about their feelings, being nervous. He didn't know why, but he felt the need to dodge that topic to the best of his ability, just in case.

"Yeah, that would be good. Thanks Trent." Justin ran a hand through his thick hair, before yawning again and sitting down at the table. The conversation died, the attempt to have small talk failing miserably. The air was filled with awkwardness, silence filling the room apart from the occasional white noise from the city below. Trent smiled a bit and continued making the two mugs of coffee, before finishing and placing a cup down next to Justin's crossed arms.

"Thank you." Justin smiled up at Trent and took a sip, before nodding in a somewhat approving way, liking the taste. Justin stared at the wall for a few moments, before speaking again. He wasn't sure what to say exactly, but he let words fall out of his mouth.

"So uh... what are you planning on doing today? Got any gigs?" He spoke. The air was warm and comforting, the sounds of birds and rushing traffic below setting a busy but cozy atmosphere. Light shone through the window, the sky bright.

"Yeah, I've got some busking at a local restaurant down the street. I've been there a few times, it's nice honestly. Great owners too." Trent sat down at the table as well, sipping his coffee as he looked across to Justin, who smiled a bit. "What about you? Any shoots?"

"Yeah, I've got one in a couple hours. What time is it?" Justin asked this to himself, looking at the clock up on the wall. It took him a few moments to process it, before he looked back at Trent with his eyebrows raised. "Shit, it's already 9? I should get ready, it starts at 10:30." With that, Justin stood up, and took a final sip of his coffee before placing it by the sink and speed-walking to the bathroom to shower. He hadn't realised how long they slept in for.

Meanwhile, Trent was quite surprised, and slipped into the bedroom to get his clothes out. He was playing live for 2 hours, and had to be there at midday. He wasn't in a rush, but still was surprised to see the time. He had been pretty tired. After laying out his clothes, he pulled out his phone. There was a notification from the news, a new story. He read a glimpse of the title and his eyes widened in shock. "Drama Brothers Reunited? Trent and Justin spotted locally in Toronto by fans of the split band."

"It's about me and Justin..." Trent muttered under his breath. Just as he said this, Justin's warm voice responded, and Trent jumped, not realising he was out of the shower.

"What's about us?" Justin raised one eyebrow, while slipping on a good looking shirt to accompany his expensive-looking cargo jeans. He walked over to Trent, who took a deep breath out.

"This news article, it's saying something about us reuniting." Trent explained as he clicked on the notification, and the two guys loomed over the phone, reading. It was a long article, first explaining the backstory of the Drama Brothers, and Trent scrolled, having quickly scanned it for anything important. A photo of the two in public was visible on the screen, and Trent turned around to look at Justin, confused. They both seemed interested as they read further.

"Two of the ex-band members, Trent and Justin, have recently been found reuniting after a whole year since the band's split-up, and due to the fact that the event was shocking to many people across the world regarding rumours spread, most fans did not expect a reunion to be happening anytime soon. Tom Bowington, a worker at a local coffee shop in Toronto, spoke on his experience seeing the two reunite inside his very café."

The news article showed a quote, with a picture of a person that seemed very familiar to Trent. He had seen him around, and then it hit him.

"That's the worker that served me that day." Trent frowned, turning to Justin. They read what he said with curiosity.

"It was just a normal morning. I was a fan of Total Drama and the Drama Brothers in the past, but I had served Trent himself plenty of times, so it wasn't a surprise to see him there. What I didn't expect to see was Justin walking in, and miraculously bumping into Trent, and the coffee split everywhere! Most the coffee shop had already recognized Trent, but seeing Justin there to? That was what sent everyone into shock!"

Justin and Trent read with concentration, before putting the phone away.

"Well uh, that's gonna be interesting for some people." Justin murmured, before turning away. "You should probably go take a shower. I'm sure it's nothing."

"Yeah, it's not gonna be a problem. Might cause some shock though." Trent chuckled, picking up a towel and his clothes before walking towards the bathroom. About 20 minutes later, he came out of the bedroom to see Justin getting ready to leave.

"The shoots a long drive from here, so I'm gonna leave a bit early." He called out to Trent. Justin walked towards him, a coat hanging from his wrist as he slipped it on. "Bye Trent, see you when I get home."

"Yup, see you soon." Trent nodded and smiled, and looked up. Justin smiled softly before leaning forwards. He placed his hand on Trent's jaw, before giving a soft kiss to his cheek, and walking out the door. 

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