Chapter 15

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It was completely silent as I was backing out of the driveway when Matt broke the silence and said, "I'm sorry I fell asleep back there."

"Brah, it's okay. You didn't sleep last night and Bailey and I were catching up. So it's all good." I said.

"What else are we going to do today? It's only like 12:30." Matt asked as I was pulling up into the driveway.

"I don't know. What do you want to do? I'm cool with anything." I say as we get out of the car.

"Layla, why do you make this so difficult?" Matt asked me laughing.

"Make what so difficult?" I ask while walking through the front door.

"You always ask me what I want to do when I'm asking you what you want to do." Matt said.

"Well it's not my fault I don't know what I want to do most of the time. If it was up to me all the time we would never leave the house." I respond with extra sass.

"Well then maybe that's what we do today. We just chill here and then if you think of something to do, then we will go do it," Matt said as we were walking into the kitchen.

There was more food in the kitchen than ever before. I walked over to the food table and helped myself to whatever I wanted and Matt did the same. I walked into the dining room and saw my grandpa sitting at the table eating his lunch.

"Hi grandpa. Thanks for letting us take the car out for a little bit." I say as I sit down.

"No problem sweetie." He says and continues to eat his food.

"So how much longer until we have Jovin sent out here for the funeral and stuff?" I ask, knowing that it was going to come up in conversation sooner or later.

"Well they still need to do some work on him to find out the actual cause of death and then they should be sending him out here." He replied emotionless.

"Oh, okay. So do you know the whole plan for the funeral and stuff?" I asked keeping the tears away.

"No, not really. We have a lot more to do. We have to have Alex send out some clothes for him to be put in for the wake, and send Mandy pictures for the slide show and pick out the music for that." He responded calmly.

"Okay. Hey grandpa, Matt and I are going to go to my room to do some of our homework. If you need anything, that's where we will be all day." I said standing up from the table, putting away our dishes.

"Okay sweetie." He responded as we walked out of the dining room.

We walked into my room and I went for my bag and got out all of my school stuff and Matt just stood in the doorway looking really confused.

"Are you going to get your work and get started?" I asked opening up my binder, not making eye contact with him.

"Um, you never do homework voluntarily. What's goin on?" Matt said sitting down next to me, closing my binder.

"Matt! Seriously, we need to get this shit done!" I say opening up my binder again, only yo have it closed and thrown across the room by Matt.

"Yeah and you need to tell me what's going on," Matt said, obviously frustrated with me.

"What do you mean?" I asked, almost on the verge of tears.

"You know what I mean. Why did you bring up Jovin?" Matt said looking into my eyes.

"Well I figured it would have to come up in conversation sooner or later so why not get it  done earlier?" I said, actually on the verge of tears. "But I don't want to believe it, Matt." I said starting to cry.

Matt started to go in for a hug, but I just got up and ran to the bathroom and locked the door behind me.

A/N: Ooooooooooh what do you think will happen? Okay so she might seem a little over dramatic with some things, but for those of you who haven't lost somebody you loved, everything is kind of heightened, you could say. You feel things a lot harder than you should, but then you might not feel things at all. Just a PSA on why you might think Layla's acting a little crazy.

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