Oneshot 1: Comfort Over A New Café

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(This fic was written 3 weeks before the initial café release)

Four has been helping Three out a lot with building his new home "III's Coffee and Bombs" recently. 4's gathered materials, bought 3 furniture and even gave him decorations for around the house. And today was the day the place was supposed to be completely finished, so Smg4 decided to do one last treat for his friend.

Knock, Knock. The sound of the door could be heard from the kitchen, where 3 was currently. He was attempting to awkwardly balance on a step-ladder trying to fit a light bulb. The sudden sound of the door knocked him off of the ladder and onto the floor, which caused the bulb to also fall to the floor and break.

"fucking hell." 3 spoke through his teeth.

Three got up, and walked over to the door whilst rubbing his forehead, annoyed.
He slowly pulled the door open to find Four standing outside whilst struggling to hold around 6 large, white bags.

"Hey, Three!" Four slowly put the bags down by his legs. "I thought that since you'd finished up your new place now, I'd buy you your groceries!"

Three's expression went from pissed off, to a completely dumbfounded stare.

"You did what?" Three stopped himself and resumed staring at the 6 shopping bags, and then up at Four.

"I...did your groceries?" Four questioned. "Did you not want me to?"

Three felt as if he was talking to a child. Of course he didn't mind, but Four had already done so much for this place already, so Three wouldn't be surprised if Four had gone completely bankrupt.

Four was really confused by this point, the silence had made this very awkward. "Is there something wrong-" Three cut Four off.

"why are you doing all of this?" Three spoke up.
"You've literally given me everything I'll possibly need for this place but I just don't understand why you're doing it."

Four paused. He's right, why was he helping him out so much? Four from 2020 would've never imagined him and 3 even speaking to each other, but now he's helping him build his home? Neither of them understood it, apparently.

"I don't...Really know, to be completely honest." 4 responded. His face was slightly duller.
4 continued, "I just wanted to help you out, as your friend I felt obliged to."

A short pause lasted for a few moments until 3 finally said something.
"Well, since you're here.. you can take a rest if you want."

"Wh- you sure?"

"Don't make me change my mind." Three continued. "we can put the bags in the kitchen, i'll unpack them."

He picked up three of the shopping bags, whilst Four picked up the other three.

A few hours had passed, and Four was fast asleep on the new sofa he had bought for Three. It was a plain, dark purple couch decorated with two purple cushions with skulls in the middle on each end of the sofa. Very fitting for someone like Three.

Meanwhile, Three was attempting to finish fitting the light bulb again. Luckily, he had bought spares specifically incase a man with blue and white clothes showed up at his door with tons of shopping bags.

"Almost...done it..." Three said whilst grinding through his teeth, he was positive he was going to fit this lightbulb no matter what, if it even cost him his life.

Three was still trying to balance extremely awkwardly on the step-ladder, which for some reason, worked.

"YES!--" Three stopped himself; he remembered that Four was here, still sleeping.

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