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So first I would just like to address this to see if anybody else has had this I have insomnia, and when I was little I used to take melatonin. Eventually I decided it didn't work and I quit taking it. But melatonin is supposed to make your dreams more vivid. But whenever I take melatonin it DOES make my dreams more vivid, it also makes me up two or three times a night, but I'm also finally getting sleep and actually feeling rested, what should I do? Anyway onto the dream

I see her there talking to my cousins, why do they always talk to each other? Why do my cousins never talk to me? I know I don't like them but what did I do that they don't like me? Now we're in a car, my dad is driving us home when it suddenly starts raining. Hard. And it's now storming terribly, and then I look and realize one of my brothers is in front of the wheel. He doesn't know how to drive...I beg my dad to start driving instead but he ignores me, so of course I start crying. After a terrifying drive I'm home. In a new house..and my mom and I are going on a walk. When we get home there's children at the door and it's Halloween. And how I'm at school. I'm really bothered because I'm wearing muddy hiking boots, but thankfully nobody really cares. Then while I'm sitting in class I make this amazing origami paper dragon out of tissue paper. We go to the next class and the teacher is talking about black holes and point out the window at one, I start thinking of all the fact I know about black holes right as I realize we can see a black hole, and are about to die. Dream end

Type: regular dream

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