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~ Parseltounge ~

Harry's P.O.V

Blinking I open my eyes but quickly close them again after an onslaught of to bright light attacks them.  Why is wherever you go after you die so bright? Focusing in on how I feel I can feel all my body parts which is good but they all ache and scream at me to move. Letting out a small groan of annoyance I slouch into the chair I'm sat on.

"Awake so soon potter?"

My eyes are instantly wide open and I'm sat bolt right up. Looking around I notice that I'm not dead like I first believed but instead .... Kidnapped? I'm so fucking confused I thought Voldemort wanted to kill me. Looking around the room I finally notice who else is in the room it looks like the inner circle of death eaters. (Bellatrix, Lucius, Narcissa, and others Harry doesn't recognise) and right in front of the fire sat in a throne-like chair is the one the only dark lord.

"I think so" I reply "Unless this is another nightmare" I add under my breath just quiet enough that no one hears. 

None of the people in the room actually get that much of a reaction from me except Bellatrix who got a dirty-ass look for killing Sirius. 

Oh, how I miss you, Siri. Why did you have to die?

Until my eyes which were still wandering landed on one person whom I swore to myself next time I saw him I would kill him. 

Peter Pettigrew.

The little rat is standing. No hiding. Behind the elder Malfoy and all of a sudden, my composure is gone and I'm up going straight for the little bitch who ruined my whole life. I'm seconds away from him when something sends me flying back into the seat with ropes bounding me.

~ Little bitch. Fucking ruined my life and can't even deal with the consequences. ~ I snap glaring at him. ~No wonder your Animagus is a rat your just like one. I swear I will be the one to end you if it's the last thing I do~ (Oops harry got a lil angry) I continue hissing out not even realising I'm hissing. 

I hear a snort and instantly my head flicks around. Knowing that whoever is making noise is probably the Dark lord I end up glaring at him. He just continues to let out a chuckle.

"Angry are we potter?"

"Hmm no quite happy that I'm stuck with the dude who led to my parent's death the one who did it and all his rob-kissing followers." (Why was this so fun to write?)

~ Tut what's with the attitude for?~

"Have a fucking guess" I respond which leads to a couple of the Death eaters taking in sharp gasps of breath or even just gaping at me.

"Wait what did I do this time? Why are you looking at me like that?"

"You just spoke and responded to parseltounge."

"so...?" I ask so confused the Dark lord just waves away the question as a grin slips onto his face.

"Want to know why you're really here?" He asks the grin never wavering a little unsettled I just nod.

"Well ... Wormtail over there found some rather interesting books about you. Well, more accurately your past. So we are going to read them."

Dropping my head into my hands I let out a small sigh of defeat. I'm going to have to remember everything I have tried to forget. Why does this stuff happen to me and alone I mean why can't this happen to Ron or Hermione?

I feel someone untying my hands and then we are walking but my head's still bowed in defeat. Until we reach a room I'm sat back into a chair and bound again whilst everyone else settles into other seats.

"Now potter if you behave I might untie you."


"Now onto the books," Voldemort says picking up a book. "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's stone" he reads off the cover opening up the book.

What do you think of this chapter? I got Wattpad on my phone so I should be able to do more regular updates but as always no promises.

- MyInkyDreamer Xx

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