Close Enough

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The bed felt sturdier than she remembered, and smaller.

Stirring awake, not to the sounds of laughter or her blaring alarm clock, but to silence, had her shoot up in bed. The air was cold and a shiver ran down her spine. Taking a quick glance around the room it was easier to say that this wasn't her room, maybe not even her house. Of course, she couldn't remember last night. All she could remember was that it was her first weekend off in a long time. Something moved beside her and she fell off the bed with a thud, pulling the blanket down with her. The feeling of the carpet against her bare skin wasn't pleasant. Then she realized she was butt-ass naked and wrapped the blanket around her like a towel. She stood up hesitantly and started to look for her clothes that were most likely strewn about the room. Frozen like a deer in headlights as the alarm clock blared.

Her head turned to look at the bed. The uh– rugged stranger– rubbed his eyes groggily first before he realized the blanket was gone. His eyes widened when he noticed she was wrapped up in it. Albeit flustered he used a pillow to cover himself as quickly as he could. Neither of them moved. Just stared at each other. It was like either of them were daring the other to say something first. Bending down without breaking eye contact she grabbed at her pants, the blanket held tightly in her other hand.

"I don't have to ask what happened,"

"No, no you don't," She replied awkwardly.

"Do– Do you want my number?"


"Do– "

"I know what you said!" She whispered-shouted. "Why would I want your number?"

"I– yeah, you're right," His face turned redder if it were even possible.

"I'm sorry to tell you this, but it was a one-night stand. I mean, I don't even know who you are! I doubt you know who I am,"

She was haphazardly getting dressed, mentally preparing herself for the walk of shame once she got back home. Feeling around in her pockets she started looking for her keys and her wallet. He still sat on the bed, just staring at her.

"Could– Could you toss me my uh..."

He mentally cursed himself for being so flustered but this wasn't a normal situation, and he was starting to wonder if it was a normal situation for her. She tossed him his pants and underwear.

"Look, this doesn't have to be extremely awkward for you. You're a nice guy who probably has a life to get back to and doesn't need to chase around someone you barely know,"

"Mike, my name is Mike." For the first time that morning he didn't sound like he was going to faint. The redness dissipated from his face, but his cheeks were still flushed.

"Victoria." She didn't know why she told him her name, maybe it was because he told her his name first and she was just trying to be polite.

"Hey, would you at least like breakfast?" And he was back to sounding like an awkward teenage boy who suddenly discovered what sex was.

"Mike, you're being really polite, but I have to get home before my son wakes up." She sighed. Getting on her hands and knees to search under the bed for her keys and wallet.

"Oh, I put them on the nightstand,"

She hit her head on the bed frame as she wiggled out from underneath.


"Now, are you really sure you don't want breakfast?"

"I thought I just told you– " Her eyes widened when he got up, there was a large scar on his back and when he turned there was one on his forearm as well. "On second thought, maybe some toast."

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