Dangerous Clientele

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Unless Victoria was working on the weekend she didn't know what to do for either Saturday or Sunday. Last night she had gotten home and didn't look through her files. She went straight to bed once she got out of her work clothes and put on pajamas. Unable to sit in silence knowing that Caleb was hanging out with his dad and Jared's new girlfriend. Still a little salty that Jared gets to bring around his girlfriends yet he gets to throw a fit when she is with a guy who isn't him. During work yesterday he just kept texting her about Mike, telling her how horrible of a mother she was because Mike was at the apartment for one day. Even after explaining that Mike is Abby's older brother he still wouldn't let it go that Mike was there.

He isn't even a role model to Caleb, I am. Her groggy morning thoughts were replaced with that bitter voice in her head. Either way, Mike is not my boyfriend.

Hugging a pillow to her chest she frowned. Too awake to go back to sleep now.

Thank you, thoughts.

She groaned and rolled onto her back. Staring up at the ceiling she sighed. The silence caused this ringing in her ears, well, the silence didn't cause it because she always had ringing in her ears. It was high pitched and highly annoying. Most days she could drown it out because Caleb would come running. He was always such a ball of sunshine in the morning. Her body ached and her mind was foggy despite being fully awake.

She didn't want to get up.

Despite everything she continued to worry about not being a good mom. Maybe Jared was right, you are a shitty mother. The voice hissed at her instead. You should have lost your custodial rights if you were going to be such a frivolous whore.

The phone ringing ripped through the silence and she turned over to grab at it. Turning over too quickly she accidentally fell off her bed. The warm blankets came down with her in a tangled mess. Feeling around for her phone she grasped it tightly and pulled it down, ripping the charger out of it.

"Hello!" She pressed the phone against her ear. Eyes sparkling, hoping it was her boss or someone dragging her somewhere.

"I'm very sorry to disturb you on the weekend Mrs. Grant." Her client's dry voice flooded her ears. She hated the mayor's voice.

"No, no, it's okay Mr. Rosewood. What can I do for you?"

"I didn't receive the inspection report from Freddy's and I was wondering if you could do another."

"Sure!" Clearing her throat she mentally cursed herself for being so excited. "Of course I can, I'll go over right away."

"Ah, before you go. New information has been presented to me, are you familiar with Mike Schmidt?"

"Uh... No? Who is he?" If he was involved in this then her job might just be a lot harder.

"He was the previous night guard, could you contact him and ask him some things about the establishment?"

"Yeah, yeah. I can contact him."

"Do you have a pen?" The mayor asked.

"No, sir."

"Well, get one. You're going to need to write this down."

Once she hung up with the mayor she immediately called Mike next. Haphazardly pulling things out of her dresser while the phone rang. Mike didn't answer the first time she called, nor did he answer the second time, nor the third. The fourth time she called and he picked up, there was silence for a solid thirty minutes.

"Mike? Hello?"

"Yeah? Who is–Victoria?" He sounded groggy and sleepy but suddenly it was like someone zapped him with electricity.

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