Court Sanctioned Visitation

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Jenny handed Victoria a stick of gum, the silver wrapper glinting in the light. She was already chewing on a piece and her eyes held a smile within them. Her stomach protested her denial of the piece of gum, she hadn't eaten breakfast or lunch today, mostly because she was worried about Caleb. She tried going straight home from work but being alone in that top floor apartment just felt wrong. The rooms were bigger, the silence made her ears ring.

She had only stayed there for ten minutes, trying to pretend that everything was fine. It didn't take her long to grab her purse and dial Jenny's number. Almost breaking a heel on the stairs as she waited for the teen to pick up.

Now, sitting in the waiting room while doctor's continued to talk to him and check how he was doing she couldn't still the way her leg bounced. Her heart was hammering against her ribcage. Clumsily unwrapping the stick of gum she crumbled up the paper and stuffed it in her purse with whatever else was thrown in there. Running anxious hands through her hair, smoothing down her skirt and jacket. Her ears perked up as soon as the doctor opened the door. Practically jumping out of her seat she almost crashed into him.

"Caleb is ready to be discharged. Mrs. Grant, I just need you to sign some papers." The doctor handed her a clipboard and a pen.

"Of course!" Her smile fell and she regained her professional composure. Moving out of the doorway so that Jenny could go see him.

Caleb was sitting up on the hospital bed with a bright green cast. Looking down at it with a big smile, one of his nurses had signed in bright blue sharpie ink that almost blended with the color.

"Whoa, that is a cool cast!" Jenny's smile widened seeing him so happy.

"I got to pick out the color! One of the nice nurses already signed it, look!" He pointed to the signature excitedly. "You can sign it too, they left a sharpie!" He handed her the black tipped marker.

"Where do you want me to sign?" Jenny asked, crouching down as she uncapped the marker.

"Here, at the top!" Caleb pointed where he wanted her to sign.

She made sure to sign her name small enough to be legible but also to let other people have a space to sign it. When Victoria walked into the room she gasped.

"They let you make the cast your favorite color!"

"Yeah!" Caleb gave her a toothy smile. "Do you wanna sign too momma?"

"I would be honored to sign,"

"And then when you get a cast I can sign yours too!"

Kids always say the darndest of things.

"Can I go see Abby? I want her to sign my cast." Caleb seemed to be having fun walking around in crutches, he had a big smile on his face. Not even bothered about the bright green cast on his leg.

"I think Abby might be in school, but I can check in with Mike if you'd like." She was helping him into the car, Jenny standing a foot away awkwardly watching them.

When the car door shut Victoria turned to her with a smile, hands ringing together.

"I'm really sorry about this week, I can pay you extra– "

"Oh– No! No, you don't have to." Jenny quickly composed herself, glancing at Caleb in the back seat already occupied with something else.

"I can't just not pay you,"

"You can pay me the same amount, it's alright. I'm just glad he's okay,"

"I am too." She sighed and her smile slipped a little. Something that has been happening a lot more often.

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