Chapter 3 - Everything's back to normal! ...Right?

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(No one's POV)

It's been a great few days, Smg3 moved back into the overworld. Him and Smg4 have made up, no grudges held. Everythings gone back to normal! ...Right?

(Smg3's POV)

He's sit up, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes as he reads the clock. "3pm...Man, I need to work on my sleep schedule..." He thought out loud, Getting up to get changed out of his Pajamas and into his dark purple sweater and his black overalls. He heads into the bathroom, brushes his hair and teeth, puts on his eyeliner (Headcanon lol), and is just about to walk out, when he feels something in his pocket. He pulls out the pacifier, no, HIS pacifier. He had completely forgotten about it, until now.

He stares at it for a while, completely memorized by the pacifier. "Fuck it.." He blushes out of embarrassment of what he's about to do. He is about to put it in his mouth, when someone starts knocking on the door. "Hurry up in there dumbass! I got piss!" Bob yelled. Smg3 quickly shoves the pacifier and walks out. "Good morning to you too." He says sarcastically, heading to the kitchen. "Oh fuck off." Bob spits out before running into the bathroom and slamming the door.

Smg3 heads into the kitchen, and grabs a thing of applesauce. He grabs a plastic spoon from the drawer, and sits on the couch. Tari and Sakio are watching some weird anime, but Smg3 doesn't mind, honestly still half-awake anyways. "Good morning 3~!" Tari chirps "Morning." Sakio says, not really caring for him but not trying to be rude. "Yeah, yeah morning girls." He starts eating his applesauce, half paying attention to whatever amine is playing half zoned out. After he's done eating, He just wakes back to his room, deciding to just go back to sleep.

He wakes up in a pitch black room, he tries to move but he can't. He realizes he's tied up and alone. Stuck and helpless, the only two things he fears. He tries everything to free himself, but he just can't. He can hear distant laughter in the abyss. Laughter, at him. Everyone he heard was laughing at his pain. He keeps calling out for help, trying to free himself but nothings working. He starts to cry, feeling helpless and abandoned. A feeling he knows all too well, but it doesn't make it hurt anyless. He just laid there, tied up and helpless as the tears roll down his cheeks. He hated crying, it made him feel pathetic. No, he was pathetic. He was a pathetic, helpless, loser who will never amount to anything.

Smg3's "little" discovery || A SMG4 age regression storyWhere stories live. Discover now