Mushroom houses

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Chapter one

Let's go back 400 million years ago when mushrooms were 24 feet high and 3 feet wide. Years ago humans used to live under mushrooms, one young girl lived under a mushroom like every other human being, but she was different, people hated her they said she was strange and monster she even got called a demon that came from hell. The young girl never did anything bad in fact she is the reason why there mushrooms houses didn't die. The young girl was named Aurora, every night she would take a walk through her village and put both her hands on the trunk of the mushrooms, somehow it would make them glow and make them stronger. Sadly the villagers didn't know about her hard work so they continued to hate on her. Even though the girl was getting tormented by the villagers, every night she continued to help the mushrooms stay strong.  One night when she was doing it a girl came outside she was around the same age as her, Aurora tried to hid but it was too late she already saw her. Aurora went up to her and said Hi but the girl just looked at her in confusion,
"My names Aurora, sorry I woke you up it's a long story, what's your name?"
"My name is Jane, I know who you are, you are that strange kid who no one likes."
"Yes I am I'm sorry I will go now."
Aurora starts to walk off but Jane chases after her.
"Stop I didn't mean to be rude, it's just I know your secret."
"Me secret i have no idea what your talking about I have and never will keep secrets."
"You're a fairy, every night you go and heal the mushrooms marking them stronger for us to live in, my only question is why help the villagers when they are so cruel to you?" Jane said,
"How did you find out?"
"I will tell you after you answer my questions."
"Ok, you are correct at night I go out and heal the mushrooms with my hands to make them stronger and healthier but I do not do it for the villagers I do it for the mushrooms. Although they just seem like big plants they are not. They are alive and they need as much nurture and care as us humans do, and I also do not do it to look good or to get credit, I do it for the mushrooms, now how did you find out."
Suddenly Jane disappeared into her house Aurora got frustrated and walked off making her way home but then something strange happened...

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