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its been months since Edward left and all Bella did was go to school and mope come come and mope and go to bed and have nightmares and wake me and uncle Charlie up i tried to get her to go out and do stuff and hang with our friends and i could tell it was draining uncle Charlie but i know he was just trying to be patient but i know he was wearing thin 

Bella had started to just sit in her room all day and stare out the window and write emails to Alice and eventually her emails didn't go through anymore 

i was getting ready for school 

i was getting ready for school 

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"alright that's it your going back to Jacksonville to live with your mother" he says 

"I'm not leaving forks" she says 

"bells he's not coming back" he says 

"I know" she says 

"its just not normal this behavior quite frankly its scaring the hell out of me and your mother baby i don't want you to leave i really don't but go to Jacksonville and make some new friends" he says 

"I don't want new friends i like the friends i have now" she says 

"you don't even hang out with them anymore" he says 

"I'm going to go shopping tomorrow with Jessica and Kat" she says 

"you hate shopping" he says confused 

"i need a girls night out" she says 

"alright girls night shopping" he says 

"yes and ill take good care of her and make sure she has the best time uncle Charlie" i say

we head to school 

later on that night we went shopping and watched a movie as we were walking back to the car a group of guys started to cat call at us 

then Bella being Bella decides that she knows one of the bikers and decides to get on his bike and drive off with him and when she came back me and Jessica yelled at her for being reckless and careless and not caring for what she does 

and we head home for the night 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2023 ⏰

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