Butterfly Project

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This is also a AVM Story, I saw the butterfly project at tiktok and thinking if I could do it, and since I drew a butterfly on my hand I decided to make this story

So, enjoy this story

(this is based of in my real life)

After I told TSC about my cut he got concerned and always checks my hands everyday to see if I cutted or not. He got a little protective he was just worried and concerned about me because of my problems and since I'm just 11

One day TSC was just playing around in Google till he spotted something called 'The Butterfly Project'

"the butterfly project? Huh, I wonder what's that"

He said in curiosity as he clicked that search in Google and started reading what it is. After he red it his eyes were filled with excitement, thinking he would do this on me

"oh my god... That's gonna be a great idea!! Now Farrah won't have to self harm ever again!"

He closed the Google tab and went to the drawing board and grabbed the pencil in there. TSC then tries to find me and there he spotted me, he called out my name

"Farrah! Farrah!"

I heard TSC voice calling for em, I turned around and saw TSC waving his arms, he runs towards me holding the pencil in his hand

"oh, hey TSC"

"hey Farrah"

"let me guess, are you gonna check my hand again?"

I spoke since he always checks my hand, TSC nods

"well yea, but I found something that could help your self harming problem!!"

He said with a bright smile on his face, I tilt my head in curiosity wondering what it is

"and that is?"

TSC then explains the butterfly project to me

"it's called the butterfly project! This is how you do it, you draw a butterfly on your hand or wrist or arm, then you name it after a loved one! But, if you cut that means the butterfly dies. You can draw more than one butterfly but cutting Kills them all"

"oh.. That means I gotta rub it or wash it off?"

TSC chuckles and shakes his head

"not so fast, you can't rub it off or wash it. You let it fade it off, rubbing or washing it means it also dies"

I went silent, but this could help on my problems on what is happening. I let out a sigh

"alright, we can do it"

TSC eyes lit up with excitement

"alright! Let's start drawing butterflies!!"

TSC starts drawing on my hand while I draw on my other hand. We drew a lot of butterflies, TSC wrote the color gangs names in each of the butterflies in my hand and arm to show that they care, I wrote my big sisters name and my classmate(mother figures) name in my other hand and arm


Me and TSC said, we both showed the butterfly

"oh, you wrote the colorgnags names in my arm!"

TSC nodded

"oh, and who's Daphne and jaja?"

He asked in curiosity

"Daphne is my big sister, and jaja is my classmate which is also my mother figure"

"that's nice!"

He said with a smile, I smiled back. I saw the color gang walking towards us

"hey guys! What'cha doing?"

Red asked

Green and blue saw the butterflies on my arm and hands

"woah! That looks so cool!"

Yellow agrees so did red

"yeah! Can we try?"

"of course!"

TSC said. The color gang starts drawing butterflies in their hands and arms, and showed it to all of us. It was fun experience actually, I guess the butterfly project wasn't so bad after all!

And yes, I drew the butterfly on both of my hands. I liked it actually

creator in AVA/AVM? Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ