First Day and Meeting

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Knock on the door....
"Yess please come in"
Nora enters the room with few files in her hand
She was wearing Red Saree her belly was visible her two big melons was maximaly visible fron the blouse and bouncing while she was walking open hairs ...ahhh what she was looking ...
"Aoa sir!! Sir Nora here hope you rembered me i have given my arrival today"
Mansoor: "hmm how can I forget you mam ...good... i have one assignment for you on your first day"
Nora: Yes sir please
Mansoor: we have invited a company tomorrow to discuss businees terms with them so you have to arrange meeting  and make a presentation with them somewhere in a decent hotel please
Nora: okay sir i will... Anything else which i can do ( with naughty smile )
Mansoor: will your avail your all the services please hold on
Nora; okay sir will wait
Mansoor: ok then please go and see the arrangements and make the prese tation.
Nora: ok sir fine( while standing up from chair)
She turned back and start walking.... And Mansoor was spectating her heaven in the background.... Which was bouncing with her walk.
Next Day.....
Phone ringing ringing.....
Mansoor Picked the phone
*Sir Nora speaking i have arranged the meeting in Monal and and have prepared the presentation"
"Okay Shabash i will pick you up at 1000hr and Will leave for Monal be ready"
Mansoor took his phone out and called Nora...
" I am here in front of your house"

"Okay sir i am coming in 5 mins"
"Okay come please i am waiting"
House Door opens a lady with white shirt and Black coat leave the house with a laptop bag in her hands.
" Sorry sir for this much late"
"No problem i can wait for you no worries at all"
Car start runing on the road
" BTW you are looking elegant"
Nora: thank you sir
Mamsoor: "so You are going to present our product in front of them details i have sent you already... Please elaborate them in simple"
Nora:" Sure sir I have read the performa I'll tryy best "
You can play theusic of your choice nora

Nora plays the 💜ᗷTS⟭⟬💜 "Life Goes On"
. We were on the moterway
Nora went to sleep immediatly... Her face was toward Mansoor....
She was looking like a girl from heaven....
Today she was wearing black pant, white dress shirt and a Overcoat.... While car was runing her bOObs were bouncing with ahh That spectecular view....
Mansoor was about to grab those balOOns but controlled himself....
Car stopped on a service area on the moterway...
"Nora Nora please get up we have to take cofee and go and get your self fresh please"
"Okay sir.... Sorry i was too tired so idk when i went to sleep" She replied....
Mansoor: its ok baby come now.
We got cofee and snacks from there.
Went back to car and started our journey again...
"Sir should I drive if you are tired"
"No no i am okay"
"No sir you are not okay please stop the car"...
"Okay come over here I replied while stoping the car"
She start driving.... 💜ᗷTS⟭⟬💜 was playing on.... When i went to sleep.....
Her beautiful voice woke me up
"sir sir we have reached plz get up"
Me oh so sorry I went to sleep thank you so much for driving me to here...

"No worries at all sir i have booked hall for meeting and ordered the lunch for the 10 peoples" .
"GREAT" I replied
Meeting went well..... She presented our product very passionately.....
.other company looks satisfied....
"Thank you Nora for doing this much i cant express my words of satisfaction" I said while entering in to the car
"No sir it was my duty"
We started Our journey and nora plays the 💜ᗷTS⟭⟬💜 again.... She was talking continuosly....
Then she went into sleep
Her head was on my shoulder....
So i was driving smoothly so she sleep well.
I put her head over my lap to avoid any injury and started journey again....
Her head was too close to My "P... S".
Suddenly i got bonner in my pant with feelings of head... And it was moving continously up and down suddenly she got up.... And again sit back to her seat proprly while saying...
"sorry sir i didnt knew when i went to your lap"....
She notices my bonner in the pant but didnt give any gesture
After few mins my bonner got setteled...
We reached lahore again......
I droped her at her home.....
She thanked me while going to her home and I was noticing her two big Hips untill she disappeared while closing the gate of her home......



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