Hiss and Spit

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"What man?" Trent turns to look at a table in the corner of the iHop.

There is a man, sitting alone at a table. A man wearing a white tshirt and a backwards red cap. He looks very American, very manly. His eyebrows are sharp and pointed upwards as if he's mad. He has blue eyes, almost brighter than Damon's.

"Maybe he'd like to join us, Hm?" Trent teases, grabbing his coffee mug and taking a sip.

"He looks like an absolute wanker. A bloody fool. A knobjockey. A little dick hole." Damon spits.

"Woah, woah, calm down kitten." Trent squeezes Dome's thigh.

The waitress arrives at their table once again, setting down their pancakes and leaving immediately.

"What's her problem?" Trent laughs.

Damon begins eating his food, occasionally glancing at the man in the corner, whose eyes meet his every single time.

Once the men have devoured their food and Trent has left a large tip for the homophobic waitress, they get up and start heading towards the door. As soon as they walk out of the iHop, they're greeted by a man. Not just any man. The man with the red hat.

"Hello, Trent Reznor." He says, grinning.

Trent immediately looks angry, and he hisses like a cat.

"Who's this, Hm?" The man teases, poking Damon in the arm.

Trent clears his throat. "This is my good friend Damon." He looks at the British twink, then back at the man, "Damon, this is...Fred."

"Fred Durst." The man repeats, holding his hand out for Damon to shake.

Damon hesitates. He places his hand against Fred's, which is very sticky, and gives it a quick shake before pulling away. He wipes his hand on his pants.

"So uh...how do you two know eachotha'?" Damon asks.

"YOU'RE BRITISH?!" Fred says so loudly it echoes through the entire parking lot. "Sorry. I got excited. My bad-"

"We uh...we met at a concert." Trent interrupts.

"Oh yeah. Yeah, yeah," Fred adds sarcastically. "Yeah it was a great concert, wasn't it?" He gives Trent a dirty look. Trent takes a step towards him.

"Yeah actually, you know, it was one of the best concerts I've ever BEEN to."

"Wot' band was it?" Damon asks curiously, but neither of the men answer. They're too busy staring at eachother angrily.

Fred steps forward, now right in Trent's face, "You know, I really loved the part when the two guys got into a fight at the concert."

"Yeah, yeah that was pretty entertaining to be honest." Trent says, so close to Fred's face that a drop of saliva lands on his cheek. Fred wipes it off and grabs Trent by the shirt.

"Yeah that one guy did this, didn't he?" The pointy eyebrowed man throws Trent onto the ground and gets on top of him, holding him down.

"And then the other guy did this," Trent shakes his right hand loose and punches Fred in the jaw. A bit of blood shoots onto Damon's pants. He takes a step back.

"Mhm and then-"

"Wot the fuck is goin' on! You were just havin' a chat and now you're having a scrap! Stop 'et! Get off of him!" Damon shoves Fred off of Trent, helping his lover get back on his feet.
Trent shakes his head and hisses at Fred again.

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