Incorrect Quotes #18

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This chappie contains incorrect quotes of Me (Silver), V (@shadowed-savior), Chaos (@Paradoxical-Chaos), and Muffin (@The_Urge_To_Strangle) as well a new gang of OCs called The Squad (TM) (oh btw that Kai is not the same Kai as V's Kai...uh you'll find out when you get there)


Chaos: I hope you all make it to adulthood!

Muffin: That's a great prayer.

V: A needed one.

Silver: A needed one indeed.


Silver: Where's Chaos?

V: Around.

Silver: Around?

Silver: You don't have any idea, do you?

Chaos, dropping down from above: Did you know there's a space above the ceiling?


V: Silver just insisted Chaos, Muffin, and I remember a code word in case we're ever confronted by their clone or a cyborg doppelgänger and we're not sure which is the real them and which is the imposter.

V: Some families have a fire escape plan, but not us.


Lizzie: Are you laughing at that video of Jay and Chiyu fighting? 

Kai: no. 

Kai: I'm laughing at the comments.


Chiyu/Iyu: How do Kai and Lizzie get out of these messes? 

Jay: They usually don't, they just make a bigger mess which cancels the first one. 


Lizzie and Kai: * making loud shouty gorilla sounds at each other as siblings often do * 

Iyu: ...

Jay: We have a guest...


Lizzie: What's it like being tall? 

Kai: Is it nice? 

Iyu: Can you reach comfortably for the cupboards? 

Seiji:we live in constant fear of the short ones, who in my experience will climb four chair, two boxes, a small coffee table and, six oddly placed stools to get what they want.

Lizzie: * staring at the ceiling * 


Jay, teaching his sis to drive: Okay, you're driving and Kai and Chiyu walk onto the road. Quick, what do you hit? 

Lizzie: Oh defs Kai I could never hit Iyu. 

Jay: the brakes, Liz, you hit the brakes. 


(oh my- this is so accurate)

Jay: I am convinced Kai and Liz share a braincell. 

Chiyu: And it's not in use very often it seems. 

Jay: that was a vIOLATION 😂


Chiyu: Small creatures are much more viscious because they have a smaller body to bottle up all their emotions.

Seiji: That's ridiculous, give me some examples. 

Liz: Wasps

Jay: Chihuahuas

Chiyu: Kai.


Chiyu: I have the sharpest memory here-name one thing I forgot 

Jay: You forgot me, Liz, and Kai in a supermarket parking lot at 2 am the other day

Chiyu: I did that on purpose, try again. 


*a loud noise in the night*

Chiyu: What was that?!

Jay: *picks up a phone and turns on the flashlight* only one way to find out!

Kai: Wait, we don't go TOWARD the spooky scary noise-

Seiji: Yes, we do, Kai, we always do. 


Chiyu: You're smiling, what happened? 

Jay: What! Can't I smile because I feel like it? 

Kai: Seiji tripped and fell down the stairs today. 


{and that concludes this part haahah, hope you enjoyed the new Squad(TM)!!}

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29 ⏰

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