3. December- no judgement

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He tried to fix his hair for how long now? It was probably more than half an hour since he grabbed his hairbrush. But did he really need to look good? He'd probably wear his bobble hat anyway, so why did he do that? He really didn't know. But he was just too scared that Louis wouldn't like his look an then he would leave him standing like a goldfish. But then again, that wouldn't be the kind of boyfriend Harry would want to date. And he knew he overthinked things too soon so he decided to just go with how he looked now. His curly hair fell down, almost to his shoulders and he wore a probably embarassing jumper with reindeers on it. But he didn't care, because he'd wear his new coat over it. He hoped that the skinnies that he wore almost every day, were not too cold. Harry nodded to himself in the mirror and walked out, after he had put on his cloak, his hat and his chelsea boots.


He didn't quite know where exactly they would be meeting, but he was glad that he still had a little time left, before they actually were supposed to meet. His heart was already pounding in his chest. After Louis had started working on the same floor as him, Harry was head over heels for him. The way Louis looked in a doctors uniform- it made Harry feel giddy. And he was always so caring and kind and Harry was very fascinated by the way Louis could talk to little kids. It seemed like Louis had like fifty years experience with ill kids. But last month, on a buissnes trip in London, he finally had grown the guts to talk to Louis. Of course Louis was very gentle and just kind of everything Harry looked for in a man. It wasn't obvious that Louis was interested too- because he was of course very popular. But since then, they kept talking everyday and sometimes they even ate their lunch together. And then last week, Louis asked Harry if he wanted to go out with him. It came really surprising because Harry actually thought, Louis wanted to be just friends. But of course Harry said yes.

So there he was, shivering from the cold air around him and probably because of the nervousness that kept him fiddling with his hands. They agreed to meet at the christmas market to drink something warm and maybe eat something as well, so Harry decided to walk over to the boot wich sells glühwein. It looked very comfy and around it, there were various small tables. There was fourtunately a table left, so Harry moved to stand by it. He slightly leaned against it and took out his phone. Maybe he could just write a short message to Louis that he was there already.

Me: Hi Louis, I'm already at the glühwein- booth x

Not much later Louis sent a Message back.

Louis: Will be there in 2!! x

Okay, so Harry only had two minutes left to prepare himself.

He suddenly regretted putting on his bobble hat. It looked ridiculous, like he was a twenty-one year old nerd. And maybe Louis didn't like that it was pink. But if he would take it off, his hair would probably look like a mess and he'd have cold. He hoped at least his coat looked pretty on him, because he was really excited to wear it the first time today. It was a brown-ish color, with a checkered pattern.

Over all, he felt like a nervous wreck. Honestly, who invited nervousness anyways? It was completely a waste of heartbeats.

"Harry!", a voice shouted from in the crowd. Imediately, Harry turned around to see a smiling Louis walking towards him. Harry smiled wildly back with a pounding heart and lightly waved at his date. He didn't know how to greet Louis, he thought it might would get akward. But Louis, as perfect as he is, took all the akwaredness away by pulling Harry in a short lasting hug. The touch calmed Harry's nerves this instant.

As Louis pulled away, he grinned madly at Harry. "How are you? You look wonderful by the way!" This was the moment, Harry was even more gone for Louis. And he was blushing like crazy.

"I'm good! And thanks, same to you", Harry answered with warm cheeks. His smile couldn't possibly grew bigger.

"Thanks! I'll go grab us some drinks, is that okay?", Louis asked. "Of course", Harry answered.

When Louis went to the directon of the booth, he squeezed Harry's waist quickly before disappearing into the crowd. (into the unknoooowwwwn)(Sorry)


Harry was full on laughing by now. It really should be embarrassing, but somehow with Louis it wasn't. Maybe it was because Louis smiled fondly at Harry the whole time.
When Louis said something funny again, Harry snorted a laugh out. He slammed his hand to his mouth immediately. "I'm so sorry!"
He was sure that Louis would be utterly grossed out by Harry now. But Louis just started laughing. "I can't believe you just apologised for laughing, Harry!"
Did that mean he didn't mind?
As Louis calmed down a little, he started speaking in a more serious tone.
"Harry, please stop worrying so much. I like you, and nothing is going to change that. When you and me no judgement, okay?"
Louis smiled and put his hand in a light touch on Harry's forearm. "You didn't just quote a Niall Horan Song, did you?", Harry laughed. "I did. And I'm serious."
"I appreciate it, Thank you, Louis"

And yes, if Louis let Harry, He will date the hell out of Louis.

Marry Christmas wish you Larry Stylinson- EnglishDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora