Chapter 2

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I awkwardly scramble up, a furious blush sweeping over my face whilst I avoid looking at the amused gazes of everyone in the pub.

“Hi,” I mutter, pressing my lips tightly together and blinking at a fast pace that probably makes me look even more stupid.

Everyone grunts back a greeting and turns back to whatever conversations they were previously in and I release a breath I didn’t know I was holding.

“Just like Jenny,” Josie grins at me before laughing.

I glare back at her and pout, “My nose hurts”.

“I’m not surprised,” she retorts, fiddling with a strand of hair that reflects the sunlight. Smiling, she lets go and gestures towards a table over by the window at the back, “That’s Marty and Belinda, the one with the son”.

I follow her as she winds through the tables; only I’m far more careful at watching where I’m going this time.

I hear welcomes of “Josie!” as I reach the table. Belinda and Marty beam up at her, Belinda opening her arms wide for a hug which Josie gladly responds to. They look like a very typical American couple.

They turn to me, their smiles still fixated on their faces. Belinda waves despite me only standing a metre away, “Hey, Carrie! Hope your… face is okay?”

“My face is fine, thanks,” I laugh, still embarrassed about my horrible introduction.

“Wonderful!” Marty comments before gulping down more beer in one go than is probably recommended. “Brad isn’t here at the moment. I think he’s down at the beach.”

“Brad?” I ask, hurriedly trying to recall if Josie had mentioned someone called Brad.

Josie chips in, “Their son, the one I said you should go to the bonfire with later”.

“Oh that’s a great idea!” Belinda excites. “I’ll tell him right now!” She pulls out her phone and starts texting at a furious speed, no doubt ridiculously amazed at this idea. “Sorted!”

“Um, thank you?” I smile.

Marty places his empty beer glass down on the table and drags his arm across his mouth. “Where are you from, Carrie? Oh, and you can sit down if you like”

The seat dips as I sit down and cross my legs, before wiping my tongue over my drying lips, “I’m from England, Cambridge.”

“Ah, yes! We could tell the English part from your accent, but Cambridge! Wow!” Belinda comments, leaning forward across the table at me.

Mumbling in response I dip my head and stare at the deep mahogany of the pub table in front of me. Maybe pubs should try lighter brown tables just for a change?

“Tell us about your family; your mum and dad?” Belinda says.

I glance up at Josie in panic and she grinds her lips together in alarm back at me, “Carrie doesn’t like to talk about that sort of thing, right Carrie? Too boring for her!”

I nod enthusiastically at her to encourage her to keep going.

“Why don’t you tell Carrie about Brad so that later she doesn’t feel like he’s a complete stranger?”

“Good plan!” Marty booms loudly and beams, “Brad is a lifeguard on the beach which is what he’s doing right now.”

“Well at least I know I’ll be safe on the beach!” I joke, smiling shyly.

“Indeed!” he continues, oblivious to my slight mockery, “He’s going to college next year, like you, I presume?”

I nod and he continues, “And, he is very, very popular; has friends over all the time! He’s so sensible that we can even leave them alone in the house!”

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