Chapter 3

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His light hair, border lining between a really bright blonde or golden, is swept to one side like the wind has surprised him. Or maybe he has some serious bed hair. Green eyes shine through the gaps in his fringe, melting me and paralyzing me to the spot. They have the smallest flecks of gold and brown scattered about with the tiniest bit of a deep turquoise. Broad shoulders then lead down to a rather defined chest with, uh… is that a six pack I can see through his shirt?!

I look away from him at the ground, blushing at the fact that I had just checked out someone. I had never done that before, always determined not to turn into one of those sorts of girls.

“Are you Carrie?” he purrs, flicking his head to one side to clear the fringe from his eyes.

Peeking up at him to see amusement clouding his eyes and a smirk, tightening his jaw, I wonder what I’ve done to make him laugh at me.

“Uh, mhmm, yeah” I stutter, managing to blush even more.

Somehow this entertains him further and he laughs. “Well I’m going to call you curly…because of your hair”, he grins, before stalking off towards an expensive looking red Aston Martin. I gape at him, amazed that he was just going to leave me behind after calling me curly; it’s not my fault I have curly hair. Besides, it was a nice sort of curly at the moment due to Josie’s styling skills.

“Well are you coming?” he sneers half way to the car, raising a dark eyebrow.


Jogging to the Aston Martin, I snap open the passenger door.

“Careful!” he winks at me flirtatiously and I pulled together my eyebrows in confusion. What was with this guy?

I slide into the car seat and let my hair hang in my face so that I don’t have to look at him. “Sorry”.

He snickers in response and starts the car, putting it in to reverse as he turns out of the street. The silence that settles between us is awkward, chocking me and preventing any words that try to escape my mouth.

Luckily half way to the beach, his phone rings and he picks it up, murmuring into the receiver. I turn to face the scenery outside, drinking in the vast ocean that peaks out behind the huge sand dunes that obscure just about everything.

When I glance back over at Brad five minutes later, his knuckles are white from gripping the steering wheel too hard and his face is set impassively, annoyance flickering through his eyes. His phone is dropped onto the floor by his feet, the battery fallen out and I’ve wonder what I must have missed to put him in a mood like this.

Too embarrassed to say anything, I just turn back to the window, biting my lip nervously. I vaguely remember Josie mentioning that Perry would be at the beach party, but other than her and Brad, I won’t have a clue who anyone else is.

Suddenly, a dull pain shoots through my arm and I flinch away from the source, letting out a shriek.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2013 ⏰

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