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Vivian Caledonia

I imagine Vivian with Blonde hair but you can imagine her however you wish!

Tom Marvolo Riddle

Abigayle McKinnon Imagine Abigayle as how you wish

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Abigayle McKinnon
Imagine Abigayle as how you wish

Lyle Lestrange
Imagine him as you wish ofc.

Alexander Avery
Imagine him as you wish.

Walburga Black
Imagine her as you wish.

Abraxas Malfoy
Imagine him as you wish.

Markus Weasley
Imagine him as you wish.

Any other characters I add or write into this just imagine them as you wish.

Disclaimer not every pure blood in this is related because that's so weird wth

in the first like 4 chapters my writing is a bit ehhh but i promise you it does get better right after and this book is definitely worth reading for the end of the story

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