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It was November 5th, and in commemoration of bonfire night, Hogwarts had its annual fireworks display in the courtyard. It differed from muggle fireworks. According to Headmaster Dippet, they were far too dangerous. Professors shot fireworks into the sky using their wands. Although Vivian enjoyed the fireworks display, she detested the idea behind bonfire night.

After classes concluded a little more than an hour ago, the four girls were preparing to watch the quidditch match. Being a beater, Abigayle was always in the changing tent instead of getting ready with the girls. Though Vivian never really got the hang of quidditch, she loved painting her face for the matches and screaming extremely loudly for her friend. "Are you almost done?" Mildred asked impatiently as Vivian painted green and white on her face. "You're so impatient, Mildred." Vivian held the girls face still as she continuously moved around due to the paint brush tickling her cheek.

After attempting to make Mildred remain motionless for two extra minutes, she eventually completed the face paint and started on her own. She had a great flair for painting faces. "How come you're so good?" Geraldine asked, glancing at herself in the mirror along with Mildred. "Every summer, there's a festival in Drumchapel, my hometown, and I normally volunteer to do the face painting on the children. It's really enjoyable." After doing her face paint and putting everything away, Vivian gave a nod. Irene had already expressed her distaste for face paint, and Vivian made no effort to persuade the girl to change her mind.

"So, are you ready to go?" Irene remained silent for a few minutes before starting to talk. This surprised all of the girl's because Irene was always running off with Walburga Black and that group. "You waited for us?" Geraldine's mouth was hanging open in a huge smile. To be honest, Geraldine liked everyone, and she really liked Irene. Even when she couldn't find any goodness in anyone, she still enjoyed searching for it. "Oh, please, hurry up. Don't seem too shocked." Irene rolled her eyes. The females giggled at this. They laughed some more, then settled down and left their dorm room to head to the stands.

The girl's took a seat nearer to the front of the stand's. They sat chattering with one another, waiting for the Slytherin's and Ravenclaw's to emerge from their tents and begin the match. The group of five turned their heads to the left to see Walburga Black, Abraxas Malfoy, Alexander Avery, Lyle Lestrange, Orion Black, Raymond Rosier, and Tom Riddle approaching the stands. Vivian was surprised by this, as Tom was never one to attend these games. He called them silly.

The group started to disperse, but Tom and Walburga approached the girls who were ogling them. Walking to the end of the stands, Walburga sat down next to Irene, while Tom sat down next to Vivian and folded his right leg over his left. Vivian was a little surprised. She wasn't expecting Tom to sit with her, much less for him to be here. She felt a tinge of happiness. They hadn't had a chance to talk to each other properly since the Halloween party.

"You're not dressed in the correct attire." Everybody else was decked up in Slytherin-logo-adorned hats, scarves, and gloves.  "This was a last minute decision. The dress code for these games is stupid, anyway." He stared straight ahead, not making eye contact with the girl. "What do you have on under your coat?" Vivian leaned down, resting her face on her palm, which was sitting in her lap. "My uniform." Vivian turned her face to face him. "Take it off." She said slyly. She knew what she was doing. "Sorry?" He finally turned to face her. "Your coat. Take it off." Tom obliged taking off his coat. There was a chilly breeze, but it wasn't dire.

"Up to your satisfaction?" Tom asked mockingly. Vivian shook her head. The only splash of green on him was his tie and some stitching near his shoulder. Vivian took off her own hat and put it on Tom's head. She didn't really need the hat anyway. Vivian sighed. It was good, but it could be better. "What? Don't you think you've decorated me enough?" He adjusted the hat. "You're right! Decorate." Vivian took the face paint from Geraldine's bag. Tom shook his head furiously. "Come near me with that, and I'll strangle you to death." He slowly inched away from the girl.

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