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"Are you going to sit there and sulk forever, Viv?" Abigayle asked with a concerned look on her face. She was worried about Vivian, as they hadn't spoken much since yesterday.

Vivian grumbled in response. Her interaction with Tom earlier had made her uneasy. She had always felt that Tom was an odd person, but she had never been scared of him.

Surely Tom wouldn't tell anyone because he would be getting himself into almost just as much trouble as her, but the look on his face and the way his tone came out made Vivian question his intentions.

"Tell me what happened yesterday, Vivian. You were fine until after classes." It was sweet that Abigayle was concerned about her friend, and it made Vivian realise she wasn't exactly being fair to Abigayle.

"I just had a bad day, that's all." Vivian sits up on her bed. Abigayle's expression showed she didn't believe that was all, but she didn't want to pry anymore.

"It's saturday..." Abigayle had a big grin on her face. "Indeed, it is." Vivian raised her eyebrow. She knew that Abigayle was going to continue her sentence.

"It's still early." The blonde stood up and walked over to Vivian's bed. "10.42, to be exact." She looked up at her friend, knowing what she was going to ask.

"So....." Abigayle trailed off. "Ask me already!" Vivian grew impatient with her friend. "Would you... like to... possibly... go to... hogsmade." She took dramatic pauses between each sentence.

"I don't know, Avi-" Vivian started. "Please. We haven't been out together in forever! You're always off with that Riddle, lad. He gives me the heebie-jeebies." The girl shivered.

Vivian laughed it off. "Fine. Alright. I suppose going out wouldn't be the worst thing in the world right now." Vivian dramatically sighed making them both burst into a fit of giggles.


"You do not need another dress, Abigayle!" Vivian whined as they explored the charity shop. "What about our joint birthday gathering that we're having with Mildred, Geraldine, and Irene? We need new dresses!" Abigayle argued.

"That's in 10 days. It's still September."
"It's never too early to shop for dresses." The girl had a big smirk on her face.

"Abigayle, we aren't even wearing dresses for that. We all have matching Pj's already." Vivian laughed at the girls desperate attempt to buy a new dress.

"I do need a new dress when I go home for Christmas. Hey, you're still coming to mine, right?"

"Again, it's September, and yes, my mum and dad are still going away." Vivian also happened to be in need of new clothes, so she eventually caved in. "Fine. I'll suppose we can have a little look."

Both of the girls toured the shop looking for new clothes to waste their money.

"That was... amazing!" Abigayle beamed, happiness in her eyes. "I can't wait to wear all of these clothes once and never again."

"Where to now?" Vivian asked, curiosity on her face. "Zonko's?" Abigayle grinned. Zonko's joke shop was probably her favourite place in the world. Every time the girls went to Hogsmade, they would always stop at Zonko's.

"Oh, Definitely." Both of the girls made their way to the joke shop.

It was full of students from Hogwarts giggling and running around the shop. No one was telling anyone off, so it was actually very hectic.

"God, it's busy!" Vivian exclaimed. "When I die, bury me here! God, I love it here." Abigayle began to run around the shop, looking at every single trinket.

Vivian ran after her friend. "Oh, my god. Oh, my god. Oh, my god! Vivian, look at this!" The blonde dragged her friend over to a corner.

"What am I looking at exactly?" Vivian had asked as she stared at a bunch of boxes. "One of those muggle investigator kits! I've always wanted to be a detective, Viv."

"Remember that one time I stayed over at yours and you made us stalk your creepy old neighbour because you thought he was a serial killer but he was actually just having an affair?" Vivian erupted into a fit of giggles.

"See! I'd make such a good detective, like Sherlock Holme's." Abigayle prides herself on her investigation skills. She's always wanted to be a detective. She'd be a real good one too.

"How much is it?" Abigayle picked up the box and turned it around to see the price. "3 Gallons. I have 3 gallons! I have to get it!" She then ran to the counter.

Vivian still wanted to explore a little. She had a few gallons left and wanted to see if there was anything that intrigued her.

Vivian turned her head to the left when she noticed a pen. Not just any pen. A glowing fountain pen that was covered in pink fluff.

She hated it but she just had to have it.

Vivian approached the counter, putting her unique fountain pen on it. "A gallon, please, Miss." She handed the man the money before meeting her friend outside.

"What on earth is that, Vivian?" Abigayle asked. "It was calling my name, Avi. It was calling me!"


"I think that was the most funnest thing we've ever done." Vivian fell onto her bed, holding her fluffy fountain pen in her right hand.

"I knew it would cheer you up! Anyway, would you like to come help me with this case, Dr. Watson?" Abigayle grinned as she nicknamed her friend after Sherlock Holmes partner.

"I suppose I shall, Sherlock." Both of the girls began to work on the class, which took them so many hours.

"Never again." Vivian groaned as she finally laid down. "No? I think that was the most fun thing we've ever done!" The blonde beamed, packing up the cracked case.

"We say that very often, don't we?"
"I suppose we're just very fun people, don't you agree?" Abigayle asked. "I do agree. I agree very much."

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