Wiped memories

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When the weekend ended, Adrien had to go to school.
He never took the headphones from the moment he woke up to the moment he got out of the car in front of the school.
-Hey dude. What’s with that mood? Did something happen? - Nino was concerned with his friend.

– Flashback from the day after they took back the rabbit miraculous from Monarch –

He got to the coordinates she had sent him only to not find her there. No. Instead of his M’lady, it’s Scarabella standing on the rooftop he’d once had prepared a candlelit dinner.
-Scarabella? What are you doing here? Where is ladybug?
-Chat… - he could see that she was trying to hold back tears but he didn’t understand why - She is not coming back.
-No! - he growl escaped from his throat - She said she would warn me if she ever left her miraculous with you for a few days.
-Chat… You’re not understanding. I am the new guardian.
-NO! No! No… - his growls slowly turned into groans of pain - She wouldn’t just give up… she wouldn't just leave me… - it felt like he couldn’t breath - We were gonna get back the miraculous.
-I am sorry, Chat Noir.
He fell down to his knees in front of the new holder of the ladybug miraculous.
She put herself in her knees and hugged him while he cried.
-She told me to tell you that she was sorry. - Scarabella’s hand stroked his golden hair between the cat ears of his suit. His face was buried on the curve of her neck and shoulder - That she didn’t want to leave you. But she just couldn’t take it anymore.
After a while, Chat composed himself only to find his way back to his bedroom.
He, then, wished he had never checked to see if he had any messages on his stick from M’lady… Well, not M’lady anymore. She wasn’t and now would never be his.

– Flashback over –

-No - the answer was short, simple and cold.
-Ok… Did you talk to Marinette this weekend?
-No… Why?
-Alya hasn’t been answering my calls. I don’t know what might have happened. I was hoping you would know something.
Adrien looked to the side.
-Why don’t you go ask?- he pointed to the two girls whose names had been mentioned.
-Alya! Here!
-Hi - she waved back at her boyfriend - Mari, do you remember Nino?
-I’ve told you, Alya. I remember my friends. - her smile was bubbly.
Adrien couldn’t remember the last time that Marinette had looked this happy.
-Of course she does. Why wouldn’t she? - Nino asked.
-Yeah - Adrien’s tone was way darker - Why wouldn't she?
-What is he doing here? - Marinette turned to Alya.
-What do you mean?- Alya's voice was sweet and paciente like Marinette was nothing but a confused child. - He is our friend.
-No… -the two boys were perplexed. Why would Marinette (from all people) say that Adrien wasn't her friend? - He's friends with Chloe. I wouldn't be friends with Chloe's friend.
-Dudette, are you ok… - Nino stopped talking when his girlfriend looked at him clearly not wanting him to get involved in whatever it was happening.
-Marinette, it's okay. Adrien isn't Chloe's friend.
The girl with the raven hair furrowed her eyebrows.
-But I remember him putting that gum in my sit.
Her fast-paced breath was starting to sound like she was on the verge of a panic attack.
-Marinette, you know I was only…
-I remember - she made him stop talking with the way she said those two words - Chloe laughing after. I don't remember you saying anything to her.
-You don't remember. -Alya said gently - But he explained later. He was trying to get the gum off your seat. His only friend was Chloe, he didn't want to make her mad back then. But they are not friends anymore. You don't have to worry.
Her breath calmed down.
-Oh, - she then turned to Adrien with a new smile on her face (even though not as bubbly as before) - I am sorry.
Both of the boys were disconcerted by what had just happened.
-Marinette, could you go ahead and go to the principals? - Alya asked.
-Is it still in the same place?
Marinette nodded and entered the school.
-There was an accident. -Alya informed before any of her friends could ask her anything - She lost her memories.
Adrien couldn't get himself to process what that meant. In the space of only three days he had lost the love of his life and his best friend. Both due to memory loss.
-When did it happen?- Adrien spoke at the same time that Nino asked:
-How much does she remember?
-This friday night. - the last time that Adrien had been with Ladybug - And she can remember until the morning of the first day of 9th grade. - the day he got the miraculous of the cat.
-What happened? - Adrien asked. Could this be just a crazy coincidence?
-We were hanging out when she fell and hit her head. We went to the IR. After a bit the doctor said she didn't remember her last year, even though they couldn't find anything that might have provoked that (like a brain traumatism), she was perfectly healthy. When I asked her, she knew everything she had learned in class this year but she had no memory of learning it. Her parents decided that she should be able to stay in our class as long as it didn't affect her results.
-So, she doesn't remember anything that happened this last year?- Nino asked.
-Like I said, no. - Alya started to look startled - Maybe I should go be with her.
-I'll go too - Adrien volunteered.
-I don't think that's a good idea.
-Why not, Alya? She's still my friend. - he tried to reason with her.
-You may see her as a friend but to her you are a stranger.
He knew that. But he still couldn't let that go.
He couldn't do anything for his M'lady (again, she wasn’t and now would never be his), but there it was his best friend going through the same thing. He wasn't just gonna stand there and do nothing.
-Please. - the boy with the green eyes pled.
-Fine. - she said - Come on then.
The two found the girl with the pigtails standing still in front of the principal's office's door.
Alya knocked on the door as it was visible that Marinette wasn't gonna do it.
-Ah, Marinette, I was expecting you. - Mr. Damocles said when she saw her walk in. - Your parents already filled me in on what happened. Are you sure you wouldn't like a few more days at home to rest?
-No. -  she quickly mend her answer - I mean, yes I don't want more days at home. I feel just fine.
-That's good. Your friends and your teachers can help you with the schedule or whatever else you need. If you ever start to feel like something is wrong, just let know the teachers, they're all aware of what happened. - the principal took one last glance at the papers that where in his desk - And I think that is it.
The students went to there first class.
Miss Bustier asked Marinette is she felt ok before any of them had the time to apologize for being late.
-I feel fine. Thanks for asking, Miss Bustier.
Miss Bustier changed the classroom layout just a little bit. Marinette and Alya were now sitting on the first row and, behind them, Adrien and Nino sat at the second row.
-I betting she is just faking something for attention. - Marinette heard Chloe whisper to Sabrina.
Some things don't change.
-Marinette, Adrien, could you hold back for a minute? - the teacher solicited after the bell rang.
But others do.
-Adrien, as the best student in the class, would you be willing to tutor Marinette after school? Just to make sure she is on the same page as the rest of the class.
Adrien could not read what Marinette was thinking from the way she looked at him.
-Of course.
Adrien glanced once more at the girl but she was not looking at him this time.
-I can give you a ride after school if you want.
She nodded to show that she accepted his offering but didn't pronounced a word until she was with her friend group.
Alya had already explained, as quickly as she could before Marinette reached them.
Mylene was the first one to speak.
-If there is anything you need, you can ask us.
-Thank you, Mylene.
-And we could try to fill you in on what you can't remember. - Rose said and continued after Juleka whispered something in her ear - And, maybe, if we recreate some of your memories it might help to get the other back.
Alta knew that it wouldn't work. It was magic that erased Marinette's memory. And Alya didn't even know if magic could bring them back.
However the new guardian couldn't say anything. didn't have any other options besides having to lie to her friends. She now was starting to understand what Marinette had to go through before telling her, having to lie to everyone and not being able to talk with anyone about it.

-Who did their homework? - Miss Mendeleiev asked the class.
Marinette opened her math notebook hoping that perhaps she had done the homework before forgetting about it.
Everyone but her raised their hands.
-Yes, Miss Rossi? - Marinette turned her head around to see who had been called out by the teacher.
She didn't recognize the redhead girl in the back of the classroom.
-Miss Mendeleiev, aren't you gonna write down that Marinette didn't do her homework?
-No, I was not going to. Not that is any of your business, Miss Rossi.
Adrien held back a laugh.

After the school day, after Marinette telling her parents a friend was gonna help her study at their house and after a lunch filled with her friends telling some of the things that they did last year.
After all that, she left the school premises.
-Hello Marinette - a boy with the ends of his dark hair painted blue got closer to her and Alya.
-Hi… Do I know you? - she inquired.
The question took him by surprise.
-You know me. I am Luka…
-Oh, you're Juleka's brother. She told us about you. Nice to meet you.
-Marinette, - there was a small pause after her name - do you not remember me?
-Was I suppose to?
Luka realized she didn't have her earrings. But he saw who had them.
It would be better if someone had punched him, cause it wouldn't be any different than what he was already feeling.
His voice got stuck in his throat. His mind was too cloudy to think of any words to say.
-You two dated - Alya informed Marinette.
-Oh, are we supposed to still be dating?- her voice exuded innocence.
-No. - Luka answered - But we were still friends.
-That's nice. - she said, smiling at him.
She turned to see who was calling her name.
It was Adrien. He was waiting for her by the gray car whose door he had opened.
-I am sorry. I have to go. It was nice to meet you, again. - she giggled when added the last word. -Bye.
She waved as she walked away.
-Thank you
Adrien had waited for her to sit in the car for himself to enter the vehicle.
None of them knew what to say until they finally arrived to Adrien's house.
-It's just my friend, Marinette. I am helping her with some of the subjects.
-Adrien, you know your father doesn't like when your friends come over.
-Please, Natalie. He doesn't even has to know.
She sighed:
-You're right. Go on. Just don't be too loud.
-Thank you Natalie.
Marinette didn't say anything, she just nodded her head slightly at the designer's assistant and followed Adrien into his room.
-So, what do you want to start with?- he asked her.
-Maybe, Math?
"Math might have been a good way to start", Adrien thought.
She could remember the formulas. She just couldn't remember the classes and the tips the teacher had given them throughout the school year.
The blond also noticed that, unlike in almost every memory he had of her previously, she didn't stutter anymore.
He asked himself what could have been the cause of her confidence and firm attention while speaking. Could it have been the same accident that took her memories?
They had the 4k TV behind them turned on, but they also had it on mute.
Adrian couldn't help but look away from the notebooks on the screen from time to time. He was worried that a mega-Akuma might appear and he wouldn't notice. He was worried about Scarabella taking Ladybug's job with the new circumstances nowadays.
When the reporter on the news started to talk about a new Akuma attack, he knew he needed to go and help.
-I… I am just going to the bathroom. I won't be long. - he says to Marinette.
-Ok - she muttered trying not to lose focus while doing the exercise.
Five minutes went by.
He hadn't gotten out of the bathroom. She was starting to worry but at the same time she was afraid that if she went and locked on the door to check if everything was fine, it would end up in an embarrassing situation.
Ten minutes went by.
She decided to go knock at the door.
One minute passed.
-Adrien? Are you ok?
And, finally she got an answer.
-Yes, yes. I am fine. I’ll be out, right way. - The voice through the door sounded out of breath.
“That was a close call”, Adrien thought.
-Claws out.- He whispered and the suit disappeared.
He gave a piece of Camembert to Plagg and opened the bathroom door.
-Were you able to do the exercises by yourself?
-I had a few questions on the 4º. But I think I could do the rest.
They sat down and continued to study.

That night, when Adrien went to bed, he could not fall asleep.
Plagg was snoring but Adrien was just staring at the ceiling.
He wondered if he had just lost both of the most important girls in his life in one week.
“Am I just that unlucky?”
His mind was killing him. Of tiredness and guilt thoughts.
She could have trusted him, he would have helped her with anything she needed, he would have anything for his M’lady.
So would he have done anything to prevent Marinette’s accident. But that was an accident.
Ladybug made a choice.
A choice to forget him.
He wished he could forget her.
But he couldn't so his pillow was getting soaked every night.

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