Chat Noir

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The nurse didn't saw anything wrong with Marinette besides the obvious pale face and warm forehead (not enough to be a fever though).
Nevertheless, she agreed that perhaps the best for her was to go home and rest.
Marinette texted Adrien, telling him that she went home and, that afternoon, she could not meet up with him to study.
Because she just said she wasn't feeling well, without any other explanation, he got worried.
It was six o’clock, half an hour after the last class was supposed to end if she had been there, when Marinette heard a knock on her skylight.
Who could it be?
“Probably, it is gonna be just a bird.” that was her thought.
Nevertheless, she went to check it out.
Just through the window she couldn't see anything.
She opened and peeked out.
-Hello, princess.
She almost had a heart attack when she heard the voice.
She breath in and out before frowning.
-Chat Noir?
-Yes, princess. - he said charmingly.
The cat walked up to her and offered his hand to help her get on the balcony.
Marinette took it.
He pulled her, maybe with more strength than he should've because she ended up bumping into him.
The two teenagers were still holding each other's hand when they pulled away.
His green eyes meet her ocean gaze.
-What are you doing here?- she almost whispered.
-I… - He felt flustered and looked away. - I heard what happened. I wanted to see if you were already.
There was a moment of silence where Marinette pulled her hand back to herself.
-Why? -  She asked with a lower and compassionate tone. She was still trying to understand why she had a superhero standing on her balcony.
-I…- He looked at her. There was something in his expression that she could not quite catch. Similar to eager. Or at least it was what it seemed. - I was worried.
-How do you even know me?
His eyebrows flinched. Almost as he had been caught by surprise.
-Right… You don’t remember but, after I saved you, we started to talk sometimes and we became.. friends.
-Really?- It was her time to be surprised. Even if it's a different kind of surprise.
-Yeah…- the superhero says with a hint of nostalgia.
Marinette was at a loss for words.
-I… I am sorry.
He sigh and brushed her dark hair away from her check.
-It's not your fault… - he sighed and shook away the downturned mood. - What about we give it another shot?
-Another shot? - Marinette repeats.
-At this friendship. - He took a step back and bowed to her. - Hello, princess. You look dazzling tonight. My name is Chat Noir.
He gently grabbed her hand and place a kiss on its back.
She felt the blood rushing to her cheeks and chuckled.
He didn't lifted up and continued to look at her through his eyebrows (hidden by the black leather mask).
She lifted the hand that he had been holding and took it to his chin.
He let her bring his back up.
-Hi Kitty Noir.
Even if still absorbed in the moment, he couldn't help but notice that he had been called by the nickname the older Bunnix called him by.
Neither of them knew what to do next.
Both of them were waiting for the other one to do something.
Until Chat Noir finally spoke, they stood silently for a while.
-Do you want to go get an ice-cream?
It took a second for Marinette to process what he said.
-Sure. I’d love to.
He grabbed his stick from his back and checked the phone in it.
-I heard of an app that helps you to find Andre's ice cream cart. - He explained before pulling her by the waist. - Hold on tight.
She put her arms around his neck while he had one of his hands in her waist. The other hand, Chat Noir used to hold on to the stick as it extended and took them meters higher than they were in the balcony.
-Paris is even more beautiful from up here. - she said after they stopped ascending.
The girl looked at him and realized that Chat Noir was not looking at the city.
She blushed.
-Don’t freak out, ok?- he said.
-Why would I freak ou-
Marinette had her answer when the superhero tilted the stick and they started to fall.
She didn’t know why she did not scream - it was not his warning - but no sound came out of her throat until Chat Noir landed (with her) on the rooftop of what was probably kilometers far from her house.
-That was… - Marinette scratched her nose , trying to find an adequate adjective, standing on the rooftop. -... fun?
Chat Noir laughed.
The girl could have sworn that his eyes sparkled when he looked at her.
-Let's go?- he surrounded her waist with his arm once again.
Marinette nodded and, this time, closed her eyes while they went down.
When the tip of her shoes touched the streets of Paris, she let go of him and stood on her own.
There were pedestrians coming and going, just like cars on the road.
The superhero took her by the hand and, while responding those who greeted him as one of the heroes of Paris, lead her to the most famous ice cream cart in that city.
They find the André singing:
-My name is André! André! Glacé! The sweetheart matchmaker! With one scoop or two, I’ll find love for you!
Cat Noir spins Marinette when they reach the ice cream cart.
-Marinette and Cat Noir!- André salutes them -What are you two doing here?
-We’re here for ice cream, of course! - Chat Noir says cheerfully. - Unless you’re selling hotdogs now.
He and Marinette share a laugh together.
-Hahah! That’s a good one, Cat Noir! - André says- But I make sweethearts’ ice cream, not “jokers’ and good friends’” ice cream. Look, who do you see there next to Jean and Serge? - He points at one of the photos posted on his cart. - Ladybug and Cat Noir! Their flavor is one of my classics! Love is not something you joke about. You, Cat Noir, are in love with-a Ladybug, and you, Marinette, are supposed to be in love with Adrien Agreste.
-Not anymore. - Chat Noir said frustrated by the reminder.
Marinette, on the other hand, frowned.
-Am I? - she asked, turning from Chat to André.
-Of cour-
-Of she was, she doesn't remember it. - Chat Noir interrupted. He got closer to the man and whispered. - She lost part of her memory.
-Oh, I am sorry, my dear. I wasn't aware of that. - The ice cream man apologized. - But true love always finds a way, doesn't it? I am sure you will fall for him again.
The superhero looks at Marinette for a moment before sighing and saying sharply:
-Forget it, André. We'll do without the ice cream.
André looks at the two, devastated, as they walk away.

-Are you ok?- Chat Noir inquired, bring back a smoothie from a cart that was selling them near the lake.
-Yeah… Were you really in love with Ladybug?- she tried to change the topic.
He looked away and his posture seemed to withdraw.
-Yes… - His voice sounded resigned but she did not understand why.
-And you aren't anymore? - Marinette tried to be careful with her words as she spoke in a warm-hearted tone. Chat Noir thought she sounded gullible.- What happened?
The green eyes seemed to be staring into space. Slowly, dragging every movement, he sat by her in the bench near the famous river.
He felt a knot in his throat and felt like he would cry if he talked.
Marinette might not be the best person at reading people, but she wasn't blind at the point of not realizing how Chat Noir reacted to her question.
-You don't have to answer. I'm sorry I asked.
He wanted to reply with “it's ok” or “don't worry about it” yet he couldn't mean it even in his thoughts.
-Thank you for the smoothie. - The girl broke the ice. - I am sorry I didn't bring money.
Her cheeks gained a light pink tone. She felt unease, completely self aware that she was wearing her pink and white pajamas.
-Don't worry about that. What's the point of saving Paris if I can't even get a free smoothie from time to time?
The girl chuckled and, that chuckle, made Chat smile.
-So, how has school been? Is it too different from what you remember?
Marinette spaced out for a few seconds to think about the question.
-I don't remember a lot from Alya but I guess we have been best friends since the beginning of the year, like I thought we might be. Nino apparently is dating Alya. And, surprisingly, Chloe is not bullying me as much as last year.
-That's… good.- Chat Noir remarked. - Anything else?
Her lips pressed against each other, contemplating her thoughts. Marinette seemed like she was gonna speak when she firstly opened her mouth but only a few moments later she said:
-Two things. There is this boy that I don't remember liking but apparently there had been a misunderstanding when we met, that had been later clarified and (apparently) I had had a crush on him since then.
Under the leather mask, Chat Noir furrowed his blond eyebrows.
-Are you making fun of me? - Her voice sounded acidic yet her cheeks were pink.
-Me? Making fun of you? How dare you? - He spoke in a whimiscal tone. - I am offended you'd think that.
Marinette sighed softly.
-That was what my friends told me. And, well, André (back there).
-And what do you think of him now?
-I- She was hesitant and, most importantly, mixed. - He's nice.
-That's all? - Chat Noir sounded like he took her lack of development as a personal offense.
-He has been helping me with the classes so that's nice of him. He is also friendly and polite. - Marinette paused. - But, a crush?... - She shook her head.
-I see… - The superhero mumbled quietly. - Anyways… It's a school night. Maybe I should take you home so you can have a good night of sleep.
She threw in the trash can the empty paper descartable cup before letting Chat put his hands around her waist and take her home.
-See you tomorrow, princess. - the cat said and left.
-See you tomor- Marinette’s hand stood still in the air even after she stopped waving. - Wait! Why tomorrow?


Everyone had at least once that kind of dreams where they fell like they are falling.
That was what Marinette was feeling at that moment. Falling.
Her body being pulled by the gravitic force and the friction force slightly delaying the inevitable impact.
A shout coming behind or (technically) above her, made her turn her head back.
-Now you're breaking more than my heart, Marinette!
Her heart sank.

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