04 - for yuki and his food

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Seb 💗 + vasilisa

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Seb 💗 + vasilisa

Seb 💗:
Mick told me what happened
Are you okay?

i'm okay
it was just such a shock to hear
his voice again and recognize it
straight away

Seb 💗:
I know
You two were so close

it just brought back so many memories
you know?
not all good

Seb 💗:
What do you mean?

hearing his voice again made me think
about my dad and everything that
happened after the accident
especially so close to that day
and i still don't understand
why he suddenly stopped talking to
me when i needed him the most
i just wish he at least gave an
explanation, you know?

Seb 💗:
I love you Vasilisa
I'll always be here for you
You know I'm not trying to
criticize how you handled the
situation at all, but have you ever
considered just reaching out
to him to ask for an explanation?

i love you too seb ❤️
i don't think i could tbh
i've held this grudge for so long, yk?
and i feel like if i bring this up now
5 years after everything happened
i'll just be reopening new scars
and i don't think i could handle if
oscar just laughed in my face if
i asked him why he did what he did
this way he remains how i remember
him as a kid, you know?
i feel silly when i think about how hurt
i still am over a friendship over 5
years ago
when we were kids

Seb 💗:
I completely understand
I'll always only be a phone call
away if anything changes, okay?

thanks seb ❤️
i genuinely don't think i'd be here
today without you

Seb 💗:
You got here through your own hard
work and determination, Vasilisa.
Never underestimate yourself.

Never underestimate yourself

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