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lando + OSCAHHH

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lando + OSCAHHH

okay ru guys gone now?
i'm gonna leave now

yup yup ur good we're just
waiting for our taxi rn


• • •

Vasilisa stood in the lobby, waiting distractedly for the elevator to come back down—her foot tapped idly and when the elevator finally opened with a small ding, she stopped in her tracks when she saw the person in it.

Oscar Piastri, standing in the corner with his phone in his hand, looking at her like he had been caught stealing a cookie.

What. The. Fuck.

They stood there staring at each other and saying nothing for a full beat—Vasilisa still half-way in the elevator— before she took a quick step back and turned to run. That is, until she felt a hand reach out to encircle her wrist and pull her back into the elevator, watching as Oscar lunged at the button panel to close the door and press on a random floor. 

She couldn't help but feel an instinctual flicker of fear course through her body at the grasp on her wrist as she subtly flinched away. Oscar's eyes widened in confusion as he noticed the flinch and he instantly took a step back, taking his hand off of her wrist. 

Another silent beat passed between them as the elevator started lifting. This time, Vasilisa expressed her horror out loud. "What the fuck, Oscar?"

It was only then that Oscar realized what he'd done—in the moments before, he had grabbed Vasilisa out of instinct, not wanting her to leave. He didn't know what to say. Vasilisa watched as he opened and closed his mouth without a sound, angering her even more.

She stalked towards him, fiery burning in her eyes and Oscar stumbling backwards as she came towards him. "What, the fuck, are you doing here Oscar?"

All at once, words came out of Oscar's mouth. "Listen—I didn't think I would see you or you would see me, I was planning on you not knowing the entire time because I didn't want to mess you up and I just wanted to come to see and—Lissie I swear I didn't mean for us to meet, I just wanted to come secretly—"

Vasilisa let out a loud scoff, interrupting Oscar. "But why did you want to come?"

"I—I don't know, Lissie. I just—I love watching you skate, and you're just so amazing in competition and—"

Vasilisa's eyes narrowed. "What do you mean you love watching me skate?"

Oscar's eyes widened at his slip-up, and once again, he couldn't respond. Vasilisa took another step forward. "Oscar, what do you mean you love watching me skate? Have you been to other competitions?"

feelin' loopy; oscar piastriWhere stories live. Discover now