Chapter 1

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I walked into my school in Amarillo, Texas. I instantly found my best friends Jay and Macki. “Hey girls.” I smiled at them.

“Hey!” They both said and we automatically started walking towards my locker. We kind of had a routine. We all waited for each other by the side door, then we walked to my locker together. Then Jay’s, which was three away from mine. Then Macki’s, which was across the hall. Finally we walked to homeroom together. That was the only class all three of us had together.

We got to my locker and I quickly did my combination. I took my coat off and threw it in my locker.

“Butter!” Jay and Macki said at the same time. That was our code word for ‘cute guy.’ I closed my locker and saw a blonde haired, blue eyed, 6’3, tanned, muscular, beautiful boy.

“I call dibs!!” I yelled.

“What? You already have Niall.” Macki yelled as the boy walked closer to us.

“Yeah, but we’re not dating.” I said and the boy stopped at the locker right next to mine. “Hi. Are you new here?” I asked smiling at this beautiful creature.

“Yeah.” He smiled back at me.

“Oh well I’m Skylar and these are my friends Macki and Jay.” I said..

“Cool.” He smiled, then added, “I’m Kyle.”

“Well since you’re new, you can ask us for anything that you need.” I smiled biting my lip. Hell, he was so hot he could ask for my virginity and I might have to give it to him.

“Okay.” He winked at me and I almost fell over because of his beautiful blue eyes.

“Well I’m just gonna go to my locker now...” Macki said and pulled Jay away so we could have alone time.

“So, is your homeroom teacher Zweigler?” I asked.

“Yeah.” He said and tried to open his locker for the third time. He looked at me with an innocent look.

“These lockers are shit. Here let me try.” I said and took the paper that held his combination. I moved in front of his locker. Kyle was so close to me, we were almost touching. His tall frame towered over my tiny body. It was hard to concentrate on the numbers and dial knowing that a buttery guy was standing next to me.

I pulled up his locker and it finally opened. “There.” I smiled up at him. He was at least 5 inches taller than me.

“Thanks.” He took off his sweatshirt to reveal his toned arms that I really just wanted to feel.

“Skylar?” He asked pulling me back down to Earth.

“What?” I asked.

“Are you okay?” He laughed.

I felt my cheeks turn red, because I knew that he knew I was checking him out. I looked down at the ground and picked at my nails.

He let out a loud, but adorable laugh and said, “You look cute when you’re embarrassed.”

My cheeks turned even more red. I tucked my hair behind my ear and said, “Thanks.”

“No problem. So can you show me where Zweigler’s room is?” He asked.

“Sure! It’s just down the hall.” I smiled and realized that almost every single girl in the hallway was drooling over Kyle. I got a little jealous, but how could I blame them? He was gorgeous!

I looked back at Macy and Jay and gave them a little thumbs up.

“So what school did you come from?” I asked.

“Oh, I was homeschooled.” He replied.

“Cool.” I tried to stop looking at him, but I couldn’t, he was just too hot. “Alright, Zweigler’s room!” I said and we walked into our homeroom.

“You have her too for homeroom?” He asked.

“Yup! So do Macki and Jay!” I smiled.

    Ms. Zweigler walked up to us and said, “Hi, you must be Kyle.” I could tell she was attracted to him too. She was a younger teacher and only in her late twenties.

    “That’s me.” He smiled.

    “I can show him around today, if you want me to!” I offered. Showing him around the school could be fun, if you know what I mean.

“Thanks, Skylar. That’s really sweet of you.” Ms. Zweigler smiled and handed me a copy of Kyle’s schedule. I looked at it and noticed we had every single class together. There’s no way this could be happening. Even having someone this attractive come to our school, but he’s talking to me and has all the same classes as me? I was either dreaming or this was a sick joke.

“What’s wrong Skylar?” Kyle asked.

“Nothing. We just have the same schedule.” I smiled at him and we walked to the back of the classroom and took a seat.

Niall and I have always had a thing. We’ve been flirting with each other for almost three months, but he never asked me out. Niall was adorable. He had amazing eyes and he thought everything was always funny. He made it easy to open up to him. He was probably my favorite guy friend that I had. Plus I always fell for the blonde guys.

I walked into math with Kyle right behind me. I saw Niall sitting on a desk eating some beef jerky. Of course. He was always eating food.

“Hey Niall.” I smiled at him and he stared at me and Kyle emotionless. “This is Kyle. He’s new here.”

I could feel the tension in the room. Why was Niall acting like this? Most of the time he was very open to meeting new people. Maybe it was because he saw Kyle as a threat.

“Kyle, this is Niall. He’s one of my best friends.” I said trying to ease the tension.

Still none of them said anything. They just glared at each other.

I reached for Niall’s beef jerky and took a couple pieces out of his bag. When he didn’t object to me taking his food, I became scared. Something was really wrong with him. It couldn’t just be that he was jealous anymore.

“Alright class, take your seats.” Mr. Hems said. The class grew silent. Niall and I took our regular seats. He always sat right in front of me, and Kyle took a seat next to me.

I took out my phone and texted Jay and Macki, “Something is really wrong with Niall. I took his food and he didn’t even say anything...” I hit send and took a deep breath. My poor Niall.

For Angels to Die(A Niall Horan Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now