Tree Lighting Ceremony

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     "Wow, wow, wow! Beautiful as always, Bun-bun," Gun said appreciatingly when Win came into view. He held his arms out and moved towards Win for a firm embrace.

     Win smiled and hugged him back. "Hey, Gun. How are you doing?"

     Gun just smiled and sauntered off, motioning for Win to follow. "I'm good. Lonely without Off, but he will be home for Christmas, so that's all that matters," he said, helping Win switch from the red snow coat to a shimmery black long-sleeved shirt. The color giving Win an ethereal edge.

     He grabbed some makeup and started to work a little on Win's face, with some mutterings about Win being too pale for the stage

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     He grabbed some makeup and started to work a little on Win's face, with some mutterings about Win being too pale for the stage.

     Win just shook his head. "It'll be nice for you to have him home this year."

     Gun nodded emphatically, "It will be," he said before looking at Win through the mirror with an apologetic face. "I feel it is necessary to warn you. I told Gus he wasn't allowed to work with us, but he came anyway. I'd like to say he's learned his lesson and will maintain distance, but we both know better. He's out somewhere in the crowd."

     Win sighed. "I pretty much expected it. But I'll be onstage, and Tess is with my mom, and Bright, so it should be fine."

     Gun raised an eyebrow. "Ah, yes. Newwie filled me in on this Bright. Your handsome homophobe? I'm surprised to see you falling for someone like that."

     Win chewed on his lower lip and looked up at Gun. "I never said I was falling for him, and he doesn't really come off like the homophobic jerk I remember him to be. He's actually really warm and has been an unexpected pillar of support for both me and Tess. I know what I heard when we were kids, but he's obviously grown out of it," he said.

     Gun nodded. "Well, people can grow, that is fair," he said, before catching Win's eyes with a serious gaze. "But that doesn't mean he's going to change his sexuality in the process, Win. Guard your heart for the right one. I'm not saying it's not possible for him to be the right one. I'm just saying be careful, unless you know for sure that he's different from what he used to be."

     Win laughed and rolled his eyes. "Well, according to my mom, he isn't exactly as straight as I assumed he was either, but that doesn't matter. I'm not here for that. I'm just here to unwind and figure things out for me and Tess. We kind of have a clean slate, and I'm trying to figure out where to write the next chapters for us."

     Gun breathed a sigh of relief and nodded his head. Gun was protective over Win and this Bright already had strikes against him so he was thankful Win was guarding his heart against another potential heartbreak, but Gun had also worriedly noticed how Win's eyes lit up when he talked about Bright, too. "That should definitely be the priority right now, but you know there is still a place on the stage for you."

     Win shrugged. "You sound like Tay, but I really don't want this life back. Like this will be fun, but that's all. I don't want the commitment or stress of taking this lifestyle back on. And I don't want to expose Tess to the entertainment industry anymore than she already has been. For the most part, she's only been exposed to the kinder sides, and I would rather keep it that way. The more I'm in it, the more she'll see, and I don't want that."

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