Christmas Day

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     The Iamkajorn Christmas tree shone with Christmas lights as the gifts underneath overflowed from beneath the Christmas tree to form an entire fortress of wrapped boxes along one side of the living room floor. The glass of milk was drunk and the cookies mostly eaten, proving Santa Claus had come to visit. The stockings hung from the fireplace mantle full of sweets and little treats, waiting for the sweet girl upstairs to wake up and come open them.

     Bright and Win snuck into the house, both carrying bags with some extra gifts to add to the pile and Bright toting his guitar with him so they could sing some Christmas carols later on

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     Bright and Win snuck into the house, both carrying bags with some extra gifts to add to the pile and Bright toting his guitar with him so they could sing some Christmas carols later on. The sweet child upstairs had just awoken and had been headed to her nana's room to wake her up when she spotted the two men heading into the living room.

     Unable to believe her eyes, Tess yelled, "Daddy!" as she came downstairs and barreled straight for Win. She momentarily forgot the gifts under the tree as she leaped into her daddy's arms. "You made it!"

     Win laughed. "Of course I made it, little bug. We can't have Christmas if we aren't together, now can we?" he asked, to which Tess' smile grew wider and she shook her head, agreeing with her father.

     Lita heard the commotion and came down to investigate. A huge smile broke across her face when she saw her son and she rushed forward to hug him. "I wasn't expecting you until lunch," she said happily, with a yawn still in her voice.

     Win smiled. "I was impatient to be home, so I rented a car and drove the last leg of the journey here since it was only a three-hour drive."

     Lita clucked her tongue. "Well, I won't chastise you since you made it safe, but next time we would rather you not drive in stormy weather and just celebrate Christmas a little late while we waited for you to get here safely," she said a little brusquely, before lightening her tone. "But you're here and you're safe, so it's moot. Merry Christmas, baby."

     Lita's Merry Christmas set off a chain reaction of everyone saying Merry Christmas to everyone there. Before Tess swung her daddy's hand. "Presents first, or breakfast first?" She asked.

     "I think we should munch on Christmas cookies for breakfast while we open up presents," Win smiled at Tess.

     "Win! Cookies is not a breakfast food!" Lita chastised.

     Win just laughed. "You need eggs for cookie dough, so it counts. Besides, it's Christmas," he reasoned.

     Lita rolled her eyes while Bright laughed. "I'll make some cinnamon rolls after we open gifts, auntie. Let them have their fun."

     Lita shook her head. "You are such a simp, Bright."

     "A simp, auntie?" he laughed.

     Tess giggled. "Don't try to deny it, Uncle Bright!"

     Bright laughed at Lita and Tess teaming up against him. "Alright, alright, fair enough. I'm a simp, now go open presents," he said, shooing the child to the tree and rolling his eyes at Lita's smug grin. He looked up to see Win beaming at him and Bright really couldn't deny that he was one hundred percent a simp for both Win and his daughter.

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