Chapter 2:

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Four days had gone by and Chris still hadn't returned. All four of those day Wren had spent laying in bed and browsing through the little selection of channels the small TV had offered. She had found a channel that streamed cartoons for about 4 hours in the afternoon, and she'd occupy herself with those cartoons. For the past weeks they had spend running away these shows were her only form of entertainment. 

Today, her form of entertainment was a couple of talking animals, that included some mice, some dogs, and some ducks. 

The day Chris had left, marked the 4th day they had stayed at the motel. Now, it had already been a week. This was the longest Chris had ever left them alone. 

Wren peeked down at the corner, for the first time in three days, where Damian resided. He laid there idly and his eyes had a familiar furrow for the first time since the incident. However, his furrow was a bit deeper than it typically was and his cheeks were flushed red. 

"Damian?" Wren called out. 

No response. But that was normal.

She sighed and refocused her attention on the television. When was he going to have an actual conversation with her?

As she shifted around under the thick covers, looking for a comfortable position, her thoughts began to shift somewhere else. Her memory. She was only able to remember up until 3 months ago, where she had originally awoken in a room.

She had woken up in some sort of cell and had been transferred to another room by the next hour. This is where she had met Damian, Chris and... Jacob, who had been a lot more talkative at the time. 

A groan that emerged  from where Damian was lying; interrupted the reminiscence of the only memories she had. 

She sighed quietly and peered over to Damian once again. He was in the same condition Wren had saw him in before, but a little worse. 

"Damian are you ok," Wren asked cautiously as she noticed dribbles of sweat flowing down his face.

When he didn't respond again, Wren was about to turn around again until—

Fever. The word echoed throughout her head.

She leaned over and slowly felt Damian's forehead with the back of her palm. It was boiling hot, which she also assumed wasn't very good. She had never experienced a fever, or one she could remember. 

"Damian," she called out again. He let out another groan and slightly twitched.

Was he just ignoring her, was he just sleeping, or was he seriously ill?

Wren looked over at the door, maybe the front desk held medicine, and if not... would she go to the store...?

She slowly rolled out of the bed she had made herself comfortable in for several days.

"Mmm," she murmured as her bare feet made contact with the cold floor.  

She stepped towards the closet and gently swung it open. There her skirt hung, along with two different colored hoodies. Hoodies they were suppose to wear when outside, so it was hard to get recognized, she recalled Chris's words. 

She quickly slipped on the skirt that hung just above her knees and hoisted the hoodie through her head to put it on. 

"I'll be back," she whispered before unlatching the door and lifting the hood over her head. 

The door revealed rays of sunlight which had blinded her as she creaked it open. She put her hand over her eyes to shield the blinding light, something which she hadn't experienced in the week she had been stowed away in the room. 

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