In The Rain's Embrace

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The playful banter continued as Shubman and Ishan found themselves in a moment of intimacy, their connection transcending the boundaries of a corporate setting. Shubman, blushing at the suggestion, hesitated, "But, it isn't appropriate to do that here." Ishan, with a mischievous glint, teased, "Babe, aren't you teasing me too much? I might lose my control any minute now." With a nod, Shubman agreed, "Ok, but try to be gentle."

After a while, Ishan marveled at the surreal sight of Shubman sleeping, an ethereal presence in the midst of their shared journey. Tenderly, Ishan dressed him and placed a gentle kiss on his forehead before returning to his duties.

In the evening, the dark skies bore witness to Ishan's dedication as he gently lifted Shubman, still in the embrace of slumber, and carried him to the car. Shubman, waking with a bright smile, insisted on taking the wheel, turning the tables as Ishan became the "passenger princess."

Their journey took an unexpected turn as rain descended, and Shubman's transparent shirt attracted the attention of onlookers. Ishan, swift to act, shielded his love, wrapping him in a towel and navigating the sudden downpour. The girls gawking at Shubman witnessed Ishan's protective stance, a silent warning to keep their distance.

Resuming their drive, they made a pit stop for ice cream, adding a sweet note to the day. Shubman, insisting on paying, left Ishan in the car, only to find himself under the scrutiny of admirers when the rain revealed more than intended. Ishan, armed with a towel, intervened, ensuring Shubman's modesty and leaving the mesmerized onlookers in awe.

Back in the car, Shubman, oblivious to the commotion, questioned Ishan about the encounter. Ishan, with a sly smile, assured, "They were asking for directions, that's it."

As they continued their journey, the duo embraced the unpredictability of life, finding joy in the simplest moments and strength in the unspoken connection that defined their regal love story.

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