Give Me Your

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(A/N: If the text is italicized, it's the lyrics. Sorry I didn't make it ckear earlier.)

GIVE ME YOUR - (G)I-DLE ((여자)아이들)

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GIVE ME YOUR - (G)I-DLE ((여자)아이들)

(Zizzy x Pony)

"A stupid looking face with glasses,"

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"A stupid looking face with glasses,"

Pony wakes up to a loud alarm ringing right next to his ear. It wasn't his alarm, it was Zizzy. He blindly picks up the phone and rubs his eyes only to hear an upset girl on the other line.

"It's 8:30 am! Our school started 30 minutes ago, where are you?!" She screamed. Quickly checking the time, it was indeed 8:30 am. "Ah, shit, my alarm musnt've rang.." Pony sighed. "Well get ready already! I was waiting for you. I'm only calling you since the teacher asked of me."

"Okay, I will. Thanks."

"Waking up with sleep in my eyes, I eat a lot when I'm hungry lately, nice, I think I'm gonna die."

After a lecture from his mom about making sure his phone isn't on silent when he has to wake up, he arrives to school at 9:15.

"You've missed a whole period!"  Zizzy yelled before Pony goes into the classroom. "Good thing you got here during locker passing period, it was only extended because Ms. Ruby took some of our time checking homework." Pony sighs, and says, "Hey, I'm sorry being late okay? I won't keep you waiting next time." She huffs, "Forget about it, Pony. Let's go into the classroom now."

They go in the classroom and sit next to each other to chat while ths teacher isn't there yet.

"When I sit down besides the cool looking you, I don't believe it. After asking you about love,"

"That's silly, Zizzy." "It's not silly, you're just making it weird." Zizzy pouted. "Why do you ask me about that though?" ..

"I just don't wanna be alone when I grow old." He places his hand on hers to comfort her.

"I feel comfortable."

"I'll always be here, we'll always be there for each other, remember?" Pony smiled at her gently.

Zizzy smiles back shyly as well. She squeezes his hand tightly. "... Thank you, Pony." They both laugh.

"Here and there, why is everything cool? No matter who looks at you, you look cool."

"Do you think class is about to start?" The girl asks.

"To me who's worried every night, to me who likes you."

"Nah, even so, let's keep talking, I don't think the teacher would notice if we just keep it down." He said. As the class continued, they kept it down and continued to chat even having been warned at first for interrupting the class.


"Please give me your love, no matter how much I receive it's not enough."

After constantly chatting in between and during classes, it's lunch time. On a usual day, Pony would eat on the rooftop, sit on the benches and listen to music. Today was different. While Pony listens to his playlist, Zizzy takes out one of his earbuds to say, "Hi Pony!"

Startled, he says, "Oh, it's just you.". "Why are you up here, all alone?" She says.

"Nothing, I usually stay here. I don't really have a group of friends." He looks back down at his food, then his phone, then back at Zizzy.

"Well, I can accompany you this time, if you don't mind?" She smiled.

"I like you, I seem to like you this much."

"Of course." He moves a little to give her some space to sit.

As they eat their meals in peace, Pony is picking a different song to listen to. Zizzy takes a peek at his phone to ask, "What are you listening to?". "Well, I'm kind of picking out something at the moment." He scrolls more at some songs. "Could I pick a song?"

"Such an underdeserving person. Why do I like him? What do I do?"

"Sure, go ahead." She takes his phone and searches up a specific she wants him to listen to. "This." It's titled "Give me Your". " Huh, the title seems incomplete." He takes a look at the title, and thinks about it.

"It's just like that, don't mind it." She taps on the song and waits for his reaction.

"You came to me, sometimes you tell me that you're tired."

"Isn't this in Korean?” He questioned. "Yep." She nodded. "Well then, why don't you listen to it with me, and tell me what it's about?" He takes out his left earbud and gives it to Zizzy. She puts it on and lays her head on his shoulder.

"When I behave annoyingly, my sad heart grows like stars, it's irritating."

"I know that I behaved well, more than badly. I'm sorry that I just keep getting angry. I'm happy when we're together. I love you, let's always be happy."


"Here and there, it won't ever happen again."

"Understood?" "Yes, Zizzy. I won't be late, again." They both laugh about the situation this morning as they pack up to go home. It's very sunny out.

"My love is the last thing next to you."

Once they have finished packing up, they log out and leave the school grounds. Their houses are far, but near enough to each other and the school. But it still takes a bit of walking or transport to get to school or each others homes.

"To me, who's going to be with you forever. To me, who's fallen deep for you."

They walk home, talking along the way, laughing, enjoying each other's company.

"I am grateful to you who loves me."

He drops her off at her home safely, they exchange a hug before Pony plans on leaving. She stops him for a moment.

"Are you listening?"

"Hm?" He turns back. "Thank you." Confused, he continues to ask, "What for?" With a smile, "Just for a lot of things, thank you like alot."

"It's you."

"Of course Zizzy." He smiles back at her. "I'm always here for you." Zizzy wishes him goodbye, saying, "Get home safely, text me once you get there!” He waves goodbye at her, "I will, bye!”

She watches him walk into the distance, goes inside and closes the door. She feels her cheeks heating up with blush, and sits down on the floor, satisfied with the day.

"I like you so much."

(1022 Words)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2023 ⏰

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