Chapter 4 - Taking Flight

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A stark silence hung between Remy and Holt as the sun dipped below the horizon. They had said all there was to say - pouring out dreams, doubts, and destinies awaiting back home. All that remained was a final farewell before facing fate's trajectories alone.

Holt pulled Remy into a crushing embrace under the oak. "No matter what roads life takes us down, we'll always be brothers," he said firmly.

Remy nodded against Holt's shoulder, at a loss for words. They broke apart slowly, heads bowed. With a last lingering look at their etched initials, Remy turned and walked away, each step heavier than the last.

He moved through the coming dusk in a daze, haunted by the crossroads dilemma awaiting him. By the time his house emerged into view, he had made his choice.

His mother waited in the doorway as Remy approached up the front walk, her kind eyes searching his. Wordlessly, he held up the SCAD acceptance letter, fingers trembling but resolute. She folded him into her arms, pride and sorrow mixing in equal parts.

"Oh, my dear boy, it's time," she said softly. "I can't let you give up your dreams for me."

Remy pulled back, hesitant. "But without Dad here now..." His voice caught.

She cupped his cheek gently. "I'll have to learn to stand on my own two feet instead of clinging to my fledgling so tightly, you taking off to fly be damned." They both laughed through tears. "And just like when you boys built that dilapidated treehouse and crashed it down, I know your foolishness taught you to soar instead."

Heart swelling with courage, Remy walked to their old oak cabinet, running his fingers over the smooth finish. "Then I'll take a piece of Dad with me," he said. "To guide me down the roads ahead...even when I can't see the path."

His mother nodded, pulling Remy close as they gazed at the cabinet - a talisman imbued with memories that would steady him across uncharted skies. An enduring gift from his father who had carved out his own extraordinary journey...and now blessed Remy to discover his, wherever the headwinds carried him off into the unknown.

Crossroads Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora