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- I can't stand him looking like that - said Y/N, walking to the school cantine with Coriolanus - He barely eat. Still blames himself
- Well he need to wake up and realize that he won't help him by staying sad - answered Coriolanus, taking the tray and leading to the table where Sejanus was sitting
- I'm paying Lucy another visit today - he said, sitting in front of Sejanus
- Maybe we will join him? - asked Y/N, sitting between the boys - We should check out how is Marcus doing
- She is right man - agreeded Coriolanus - Take some food, come with me. Lucy hadn't eaten since the reaping. I suppose Marcus must be starving too
Marcus didn't answered, but he started to pack some sandwitches into tissues. Y/N smiled to herself. She was glad that Sejanus had a friend like Coriolanus.

Coriolanus was already talking to Lucy through the bars. Meanwhile Marcus was trying to ignore Sejanus presence. Y/N walked to him, grabbing his hand for support.
- Come on Marcus - said Sejanus showing him the bread - You need to eat something
But Marcus still acted like haven't seen him. Then suddenly, Y/N and Sejanus turn aroundl because of a sudden noise. They saw Arachne Crane, their classmate, lying on the ground, with broken, glass bottle in her neck. Coriolanus tried to do something, stop the bleeding but it was too late. Y/N had tears in her eyes. She was shaking, so Sejanus took her in his arms, hiding her hand in his chest. One of the Peacekeepers shot to tribute girl, that attacked Arachne. Other tributes and Capitol citizens run away. Sejanus looked at the whole scenek having tears in his eyes as well.
- Don't act like you care - said Marcus - Heard that you find yourself a Capitol wife. Seems like you are enjoying it here. Forgot who you really are very quickly
Then he turned around and hide somewhere in the cage.

BROKEN HEARTS // Sejanus x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now