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It was finally day first of the Hunger Games. Y/N woke up early to come to Sejanus house before he wakes up. She knew that he would have problems sleeping because of whole Marcus situation, so he probably would fall asleep late at night only thanks to some medicine. She entered the Plinths villa and found Sejanus mother in her night robes, sitting next to the coffee table, drinking tea. She smiled at Y/N and welcomed her to sit next to her.
- Good morning, Mrs Plinth - she said quietly
- Welcome Y/N - Sejanus mother answered - I thought you would come - He went asleep 2 hours ago, had nightmares before. I had to made him lavender tea. We used it in District 2 if somebody had sleeping troubles
Then the servant came to Y/N and gave her a cup too.
- I made you some coffee - Sejanus mother smiled - It is going to be hard day for you both
They stayed in silence for few minutes.
- You know, you are completely different then all those Capitol girls. You are so ... - Mrs Plinth continued - human. I'm very thankful to Sejanus have someone like you as his wife. I wasn't very happy to be honest. For him to get married in such young age, but he was always a romantic and sensitive soul. I think he would marry you at secret if we haven't agried. But I'm happy to have you in my family now. Like a daughter I always dreamed of
Sejanus mother dried her eyes, after the speech being too emotional for her.
- I'm grateful for having second mother like you too, Mrs Plinth - whispered Y/N - I will go wake up Sejanus. It is time to start getting ready

Y/N walked up by the stairs, entered Sejanus room to see him sleeping calmly, but his checks were a little red, probably he was crying before he fall asleep. She sat on the edge of the bed and lean over him, kissing him on the forehead.
- It is time to wake up, Sejanus - she stroked his curly hair
- Y/N? - he whispered, opening his eyes
- I'm here - she smiled - The Hunger Games are about to start
- Do you think he managed to escape? - he asked - Marcus?
- He definitely did, but you need to get ready to go and find it yourself

Y/N and Sejanus were walking to school, holding hands. Whole morning Y/N was calming down Sejanus, who was nervous about his friend destiny. Sejanus walked into the hall feeling sure that Marcus is far from Capitol, leding to his home, but Y/N didn't. While the entered the room, Y/N caught Dean Highbottom look, knowing that probably Marcus wasn't well.
- I will be back in a minute - she said as Sejanus took his place in mentoring court - Just going to the toilet
She didn't go to the toilet. She went to Dean Highbottom standing next to the door. He looked at her with consern.
- Good morning, Dean Highbottom - she said
- If I may suggest you better find Mister Plinth place next to the door - he said seriously - We never know when things will become ... upredictable
Y/N became pale on the face. She knew exactly what did Deans words mean. They captured Marcus. She put a little smile on her face and went back to Sejanus. She tried her best not to look suspicous and chat about some simple things. After few minutes Coriolanus joined the meeting and Y/N left Sejanus with him, taking the seat next to the doors. She took a deep breath when Lucretius Flickerman started counting for transmision to begin. The TV went on and everybody saw fourteen tributes on their begining place and ... one stranging up by steel poles in the air at the main entrance. Y/N didn't need to look closely, she knew exactly who that was. Marcus.
- You are monsters! - she heard Sejanus throwing a chair - All of you!
Sejanus run out of the hall. Dean Highbottom looked at Y/N with meaningful look. She followed him.
- Sejanus! - she shouted, but he didn't listen
She run up to him, hugging him. He hid his cring face in her neck.
- I know - she whispered, petting him on the head - I know

Y/N led Sejanus back to his house where she put him to sleep with his mother thanks to lavender tea. Both Y/N and Mrs Plinth were sitting in the common room in silence, watching Hunger Games. Thats how they spend whole day and most of the night. Until Plinths family phone rang. Mrs Plinth stood up to answer the call.
- It's Sejanus mother speaking - she said - Yes, Y/N is here. Yes, I will tell her. Good night
Then Mrs Plinth looked at Y/N.
- It was Dr Gaul calling - she said - She wants you to come to college immediatly
Mr Plinth organized Y/N a car transport and she drove to school. Dr Gaul was waiting for her in front of the bulding. She had an unpleasant, angry look on her face.
- It is about Mister Plinth - she said - He managed to break into Arena and now is doing his coarse, ornary bread ritual from District 2. As soon as I will find out who let him in I will cut his tongue, but now we have a bigger problem going on. I need someone to get him out of this Arena. I turn off the transmision for one hour. I can't do it any longer so people won't realize. I need you to find someone to go get him
- What? - asked Y/N - How? I was in his house whole night
- I don't care how he did it - Dr Gaul got angry -Go get him out
- Why can't I go? - asked the girl
- With all of mine respect, I believe you would join him in crying, rather then get him out - Dr Gaul answered - By the way, I don't think the arena is a good place for a girl in your ... condision
- How do you know? - Y/N looked her in the eyes, suprised
- I'm good at observing, Mrs Plinth - Dr Gaul, smiled weirdly

It didn't took Y/N a long to find out a person to get Sejanus out. The first person she thought of was Coriolanus. She found him sleeping in the hall. Probably fell asleep keeping an eye on Lucy. She shook his arm. He woke up nervous.
- What's happening? - he asked - Is it Lucy Gray?
- Worst - Y/N said - It's Sejanus. He broke inside the arena to see off Marcus. You need to get him out
- Why me? - he asked
- Because I trust you about it - Y/N looked at him, with begging eyes - Coryo, please, help him
Coriolanus nod.

Now walking inside the arena, Coriolanus thought what has gotten into him that he agreeded to this. It was something in Y/Ns eyes, that made him feel responsible for Sejanus. He was his best friend after all, wasn't he? He spotted the boy, kneeling in front of his friends body. Coriolanus tried to stay as quiet as possible, but Amina still managed to see him. He swallowed and tapped Sejanus on the arm. He turned around, nervously, but calmed down seeing Coriolanus.
- I through they will send Y/N - he said, not standing up
- I wish they did - answered Coriolanus
Sejanus still didn't react.
- You were really selfish doing that - continued Coriolanus - What if it was her? What if she walked her and got attacked? Do you think she would protect herself?
Sejanus stood up and looked Coriolanus in the eyes.
- I know you want to do good, Sejanus - Coriolanus grabbed his friends neck - But you will do nothing, being killed here. Do you think anybody is seeing this? Gaul cutted the transmision. She would say you caught a flu
- I can't do anything else - Sejanus cried
- You have Y/N - answered the blond - You have your fathers money. Go home with me. Take the money. Do some real good out there
Sejanus nodded.

When the boys run out of the arena, Y/N was already there. When Sejanus saw her, he started crying. She hugged him and whispered some calming words into his ear. She brushed his hair with her hand. Then she looked at Coriolanus.
- Thank you - she said, looking him in the eyes

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25 ⏰

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