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I seem to have loved you in
Numberless forms,
Numberless times in life after life,
In age after age forever ~

Waiting for the right time
To kidnap the love of his life,
And fly away from there forever,
Carving for each drop of her blood
And always Ready to suck on her neck,...

Step into the darkness,
Say good bye to the light,
We live in an eternity,
Every day is night~


Do you know??
That Love is a vampire's greatest weakness... But also their greatest strength!

And I got to know about this when I met him!

A knight of UZaanka Empire!

A man named Kim Taehyung!

A man can sacrifice anything just to earn ME

A man can become a montser to other for ME

And I Destined To Meet HIM!!


Destined To Meet You || Kim Taehyung Where stories live. Discover now