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How could a woman attract this much attention? Was it her beauty or perhaps her name? In the end, it doesn't matter because Josephine Riddle had become the talk of the school. Both the Riddle twins.

Almost every single girl in 6th year fancied Mattheo Riddle, and who could blame them? Every girl loves herself a bad boy, they all think they could fix him. How can a person fix someone who is beyond repair?

The Riddle twins matched the hallways like they were untouchable, which they were. People were scared of them, mostly due to their father. But they also couldn't help but want to find out stuff about them.

It had only been their third day at Hogwards, but they still managed to make a name for themselves.

Josephine had obviously stood up to Lucy and Kylie, two of the most popular Ravenclaws in the school. She didn't fear them, in fact she felt bad for them, thy felt the need to show off that much when deep down they were just two insecure individuals, craving attention from everyone.

Josephine had always been observant. Having to grow up in a house hold where she did not know what was going to happen each day made her cautious. She would either wake up to her father calmly reading in his office, or to the screams of her brother being tortured by him.

She felt horrible.

She wished she could jump in front of Mattheo to protect him. She felt horrible that she got the special treatment.

She always felt like she was walking on needles around her house, it never felt like home. She never felt safe. Never.

She sat in the library after her class, studying. She already knew all the things the school was willing to teach her, but she was particularly fond of literature.

She way an author or a poet could capture emotions in some pages always amazed her. Especially since she didn't know how to express her own. After her mothers death, her father taught her that emotions were a weakness.

She sat there reading until she heard a familiar voice approach her.

"Mind if I join you?" Theodore Nott asked as he took a seat next to the brunette.

"Suit yourself Nott" she said as she did not raise her eyes away from her book. Theo leaned closer to her to see what she was reading.

"Frankenstein?" He asked as he raised an eyebrow.

"Do not judge before you read it" she replied defensively as her eyes hadn't left the book for a moment since he appeared next to her.

"I never took you to be a fan of literature" he said as he sat back on his chair, spreading his legs as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"I like to be a surprise I guess"

"Well you definitely surprise me Josephine" he said. That finally made her look away from her book as she looked at him and smiled.

She was about to speak as her gaze dropped, she felt her forearm burning, right where her dark mark was.

"I'm sorry I have to go" she spoke quickly before she stood up and left the library in a hurry, so hurriedly she forgot her book behind.

Theodore just looked at her stunned as she ran out. Was it something he said? Something he did? He didn't know. He looked back at the table and realized that she left her book.

He took the book and walked out of the library in an attempt to find her and give it to her. He couldn't find her anywhere.

That was because Josephine had apparated back to her house, the riddle manor.

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