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A dragon flies through the roaring storm.

The thief of the large red egg, curiously, not followed by any dragon. He was reaching the mountains, safe and sound, in a successful stealth operation.

As he landed nearby it, he knocked the door in a certain pattern but it was not opened.

"Come on! The entire sea is falling over me right now!" The dragon yelled.

"If you can understand me, what is the secret password?" The dragon inside said.

"Ugh. I like Sand." The dragon said. "Now Dune, open this thing!"

Dune then opened the rock, allowing his friend to enter:

"Oh, Hvitur!" Dune exclaimed. "I never saw an IceWing who liked sand!"

"Haha. Too funny, I didn't laugh." Hvitur said, while swiftly entering the cave, quickly drying himself using his breathe weakly.

As the storm roars outside, untamed, inside the cave, Hvitur approached the other eggs, carefully putting the red one near them "There you go, little dragonet, safe and sound.", then Hvitur headed to his fellow guardians in the next cave.

"Hvitur, you made it!" Asha said, the happy MudWing flapped her wings and tail, nearly jumping on Hvitur for a moment, but running to nearby him instead; He was the last of them to arrive in the so-called Night of the "Thieves of Eggs".

"Yeah, I made it. And no one even followed me!" Hvitur posed and claimed his pride.

"Are you sure of that?" Dune exclaimed. "I think I have seen some shadows outside of the cave in the storm..."

"I am sure. The SkyWing's palace was... With shortage of guards. I am not sure." Hvitur shrugged. "Perhaps, them all were out for the war?"

"Empty?! There must be something very bad happening here..." Webs noted.

"Shh Webs. You worry too much..." Dune commented.

"Well, saved by the war, one last time" Asha sighed.

"What is happening to you Asha? I feel your wings shacking, but not from cold..." Hvitur said, looking at her.

"Its just that... Is anything that we are doing right? Is... All this egg thief story really what we are meant to do?" Asha said, her look was deep and real, powerful enough to make everyone there think their actions for a moment.

"But Asha, you also stolen an egg yesterday. Why are you just thinking about this now?" Dune said, confused.

"I... I didn't steal it...!" Asha said, nervous. "My sister would be a terrible mother for her dragonets, I made a deal with her and... I bought the egg. I couldn't have taken it without permission..."

"You did what Asha?! Don't you realized what you have done?!" Dune yelled. "Nautilus said extremely precisive that we shouldn't tell or reveal our identities to anyone! Now they are going to think that the Talons of Peace are a bunch of egg thieves!"

"And you just tell us that now??" Dune yelled. "All our plan could be already over before it even started!"

Dune moved to the corner, while Hvitur approached Asha. "You... Did a poorly choice, Asha." Hvitur said, in the most natural tone's possible. "I understand that... Its not from your nature do that, but didn't you believed in our cause?"

"I did! But I never thought we would go that down to achieve this!" Asha sobbed.

"Asha... Listen... We are all nervous right now. But..." Hvitur tried to appease her. "Look, think how many dragonets are being stolen from their parents, while the war rages and no one takes care of that... Think what horrible things are happening to them..."

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