Chapter 1

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"Scrub until I can see my reflection and don't stop unless you want a good beating, brat." 

Blaire's petite body shook with each movement that she did as he loomed over her with a condensing smile on his bloodstained face. 

" After you finish scrubbing this floor, I want you to go back to your room and wait for me." He sneered at her with disgust and amusement present in his eyes. 

"y-yes s-sir." Blaire stuttered out.

His eyes narrowed and that scary smile on his face was gone in an instant.  


"I-I'm s-sorry sir." She whispered. 

The sound of flesh hitting flesh echoed around the room. Blaire's whole body shook on impact and tears had started making there way down her pale cheeks. A bright red hand mark had started blooming across her face. 

A sharp yank on her scalp snapped her out of her daze and pain shook through her whole head. 

Blaire's body was unceremoniously dumped on the concrete floor of a cell. A sharp pain rocketed through her frail body on impact. Blood coated the floor along with nails that were drilled into the wall. 

" I'll be back later to have some fun with your brat." And with that, he exited the cell and locked door behind him. She could heae the door slam in the distance. 

Blaire crumpled. 

Small heartbreaking sobs started flowing out. Blaire picked up a small piece of glass from the floor and forlornly stared at her reflection. The broken face of a seven years old stared back at her. Small scars littered her back and arms. Her neck had mostly remained untouched other than a few bruises scattered here and there.  

What had she done to not deserve a happy and loving childhood? Why did everyone get one, just not her? 

A pale gold heart-shaped locket rested delicately on her neck. It was the only thing that she was allowed to keep before she was kidnapped from her home. 

Due to the daily beatings, Blaire could not recount  any clear memories before she was brought to this miserable place. Her heart ached for someone that could actually care for her. Some kind of family, that she kne\w she doesn't deserve.

Time went by and she was starting to get confused. It should have been almost midnight.  How come he had not came to give her a beating yet. Sirens rang in the distance coming nearer and nearer. 

Suddenly, a wave of tiredness washed over her. Darkness had started seeping in from the edge of her vision and the last thing she saw was the sympathetic face of a women standing in front of her. 


Blaire woke up in a unfamiliar room. Memorize of what happened rushed back to her and she started panicking. The same women walked into the room and took her in with pity in her eyes. 

" Darling, do you know why you are here?" 

Blaire stared at the women with frightened eyes and shook her head in no.  Was she at a police department? 

The women took a deep breath before pulling out a piece of paper that looked like a official declaration.  

" Mike Wellings, arrested for child abuse and is hereby sentence to prison for 14 years followed by a death sentence."

Blaire heart almost stopped. Her big doe eyes widened as she processed the information.  She was finally free! But where would she go from now?

The women smiled as if she had read Blaire's thoughts and said the words that Blaire never thought she would hear. 

" While you were out cold, we took a few blood samples and manage to contact you biological family members. One of the called saying that they will be here to pick you up within the hour. Is that alright with you sweetheart?"

Blaire could do nothing but nod as she took everything in. She has a family. A real family. A adorable smile graced her face at the thought but then was replaced with fear. What if they were mean people just like Mike?  

She was snapped out of her thoughts as the kind women sadly smiled at her and said, 

" I'm sorry that a innocent child like you had to go through such torture. I wish you the best of luck in your future with your family." 

With that, she took her leave, leaving Blaire behind alone in the waiting room.

Sleepiness once again too over and  Blaire finally had a un-disturbed rest. 

Hope you like the first chapter! Sorry it is a little short. Please feel free to give any feedback on how to improve! In the next chapter, she gets to meet her brothers! 

Comment and Vote :)

- Kate

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