Chapter 8

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Upon hearing what had happened, Hunter and Crimson were both shaking with rage. How dare those pieces of shit lay a hand on Blaire.  They  would have to cover up some things due to the fact that their idiot brother put a bullet through the boy.


Blaire stood shaking at the doorway with Xander and Hunter lead her inside and into the meeting room. Crimson stood there with a furious expression. Blaire's internal panic must have shown on her face because moments later Crimsons features softened before gently hugging her before releasing her and asking her to explain what happened in the cafeteria. 

Blaire retold the story like she told Xander and during the middle of her explanation, Hunter stormed out of the room and she could hear him yelling into something. Blaire whimpered fearfully before shakily continuing. 

Flashes of the boys looming over her flashed in her mind and the unwanted memories of Mike entered. Cries came out of her and she heard Xander say something but it sounded far away. Her vision was blackening and she could hear all the things that he said to her and blacked out. 


Hunter P.O.V

Blaire blacked out again.  For the second time and we still didn't know the full extent of what happened to her and how it happened. To think that they breached there security was insane. As far as he was concerned, Knight Manors security was top-notch. 

Blaire's petite body stood pale against the hospital bed. Her heart rate had been unstable when they got to the hospital and she was struggling to breathe.  She had wormed her way into there hearts  and it made him worried.  Her panic attacks were also something to worry about, they couldn't have her break down in the middle of a important meeting in front of people from other mafia's.

 The annual Mafia Gala was approaching fast and that ment that soon, the whole Mafia community would find out about their principessa. That would mean that she would be extremely targeted and used as leverage. 

To make matters worse, the Russian Mafia had started to severe it's treaty with us. Our mafia's never had a good relationship and were constantly at each others throats. There Don, Mikelson De Cas, was extremely arrogant but still a smart man. 


Blaire P.O.V

Bright lights shone above her and she could barely see.  She made out the figures of her brother and started crying softly. Immediately, she was pulled into a hug by Xander. She was terrified but she didn't know why. Her life had changed to much and she didn't know whether that was good or bad.  She felt bad that her brothers had to deal with her crying and wasting there time.

" I-I'm s-sorry t-that you h-h-have to d-deal w-w-with m-me." Blaire whispered, her adorable doe eyes glazing over with tears. 

The brothers assured her that this was normal and that she wasn't a burden to them. Quite the opposite in fact. It was easier to appreciate the littler things in life now that Bliare was here. 

Slowly, she fell  into a peaceful sleep. Crimson was quietly talking over the phone when they heard commotion coming from outside the hospital.  An alarm went of and sounds of fighting erupted.

Sorry for the short chapter, this was more of a filler than a chapter. The next chapter should be longer and it should be up in a few days!

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- Kate

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