Unseen To You

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We all are looking forward to something. Although some are not...

Told time and time again we all have it imprinted in our heads. A mate is what we should all look forward to. Those words are lies. Lies that we are told from generation to generation.

Why are we told such happiness to come in our life when disappointments come instead? Is that how is, to lead with life with such false hope and unreachable dreams?

Choices that once were simple to make became more complicated and harder of trying to decipher the right choice than the wrong.

'Ah, I'm sorry I'm talking nonsense. I just want a life with no drama. Does no one want a simple life anymore? I can't believe my once so called best friend is in this mess. And I'm here watching from the sidelines. Knowing the end of her story. So where's mine?'

A story about the forgotten best friend.

You know how the main female lead has a harsh life, gets rejected and runs away to another pack. She becomes stronger and has a slight romantic interest in another alpha from the pack that took her in. Then they have to come back to help her old pack from rogues. Turns out her love interest we all know she won't end up with is in love with her AND doesn't care about his mate he HASN'T met yet. The FL is going to end up with her mate like always. Let's make it more dramatic that her best friend she hasn't had contact with and the ONLY friend that's been there for her all her life. Her best friend is devastated when she goes to see her as her mate she just found out is telling FL that he loves her and doesn't care about finding his mate.

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