Chapter 5

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Personally, being ignored was a lot worse than ever being spoken to or yelled at. In hallways she avoided me, in class, at lunch, anywhere that was school related. And I wasn't allowed to go anywhere after school except home during that period of time. I was angry at my parents for keeping me away and angry at myself for becoming someone I didn't recognize anymore.

I looked through the mirror and was shocked to see a stranger staring straight back at me. He had the same brown hair and hazel eyes, but that was only similarities we had. I remembered my old expression, but as I stared at the mirror I saw nothing but cold dead eyes follow my every movement.

My parents were no help either, getting on me about everything from cleaning to homework.
"Son, I hope you are keeping up your grades up," he'd begin.

"Yes," I'd reply, hoping that's all he would ask.

"Because if you didn't and are lying to me, you can say goodbye to your car until you're eighteen," it would follow with a threat. Of course.

"If you want, check my report card," I bit my mouth hard, tasting blood. "You'll find exactly what you always see."

And then he'd usually leave me alone for a couple hours until start complaining about the state of my room.
But one day he asked about something else.

"About this Kelsey girl," my father said. "Do you have some kind if crush or something?"

"No," I mumbled. "Not anything close."

"It's alright if you like her," my dad laughed. "Just don't let it interfere with school." If only he knew.

"You'll think I'm crazy when I say this." I finally opened up. "But I don't just like her. It's much more than that."

He laughed hard and I almost snapped. "What, like love? Do you realize how young you are? Maybe later on you'll understand what true love is, but this is some crush."

"Thank you for deciding my feelings for me," I said sarcastically. "But you're not me. I don't care if that's not your definition of love, but in my book it is."

"Listen, I'm trying to help you," he sighed. "I hope you know why I ask you these things and make you do these things. I don't want to see you end up in the wrong path on the wrong side of life."

"Do you see me heading that way?"

"No, not yet. You're my only son."

I looked straight at him. "Well that's your problem. If you and Mom wanted another kid then you should have."

"No." A flash of pain could be seen in his eyes. "We tried. But it's not possible."
Silence swept through the usually loud kitchen. I felt sorry for him but also surprised that he'd admit soemthing like that. That was when I started treating my dad like the one he should've been.
▪ ▪ ▪
School days passed over and over but still no word from Kelsey. So I eventually gave up on trying to talk to her. Another day passed. I opened my locker, thinking about the last time I used mine after the incident. Many were afraid to go to their lockers after finding out that someone had a gun in one.

"Charlie," a voice said behind me that I instantly recognized.

"Why are you here?" I turned around, staring in Kelsey's dark green eyes.

"I want us to be what we use to," she explained. "But I'm not sure if we can."

"You're right." I paused. "I don't think I can just be friends with you."

"You'll have to try. I mean, after all you did I'm not so sure I should be talking to you. But I missed the times we used to hang out. I just wish it could be like it used to but everything's different now after--" I stopped her midsentence.

I kissed her finally, desperately wanting to do it for a while. And she let me that time and pulled me closer. A couple seconds we pulled apart, feeling electricity coursing through my body.

"Sometimes I'm glad you have a big mouth."

"I bet you only like it this time," she responded with a laugh. We looked up, noticing many eyes on us because we kissed in the hallway. But we didn't care the attention we got. I stopped caring what everyone else thought a long time.

Yet again though, I was the talk of the school. There were many people who kiss, but apparently me and Kelsey doing it in the hallway was somehow "scandalous".
Fourth period science, as always, seemed like the most shit that went down happened during there.

"So, you got a thing for Big Mouth now?" Haden casually brought it up while I was working on our project. I really hated having him as a partner. "I guess it makes sense though. I mean, she's got a big mouth after all."

"Yeah and the only thing you'll be kissing is your pillow because that's the only thing that can't get away from you."

"Shut up." He shoved me. I wanted to hit back because I knew I could've won if I tried but I risked getting suspended and then I never would've gotten my car back.

"Fucking stop it man," I replied. "If you're not going to help then you might as well walk your sorry ass out of here."

"Whatever." He opened the door and left without notifying anyone. Ms. Paris, after five minutes, realized he left and went to get him.

As usual, another shitty day. But that day was different, because I got to kiss the girl I've wanted since freshman year.

That wouldn't stop our problems though.

Author's note: Sorry again another short chapter. Been busy so haven't been able to update much.

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