Chapter 1

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I have enough dirt on the people at school to bury them alive. They thought they could trust me the most, since I was the good guy who sat in the back of the class they'd tell secrets to. I kept up my reputation, but at first not on purpose, at least not before Kelsey died. But things changed quickly, and I suddenly realized that ones who killed her were going to get away with it, while Kelsey lay buried underground ten feet below.

So I used motivation, that the sick disgusting people in this world would have nothing left to live for, waking up in jail cells for the rest of their lives. They deserved it. They deserved to sacrifice their life since they took another.

And there were many that took part in her murder, because the day I heard the school announce that Kelsey had "committed suicide" I knew it was planned. Kelsey didn't believe in suicide and she wouldn't have the guts to take her own life. It had to be someone else.

It started with Brienna Hills. Loud, annoying, popular Brienna Hills who hated Kelsey Briggs with all her heart. Constantly fighting and competing against each other. But Brienna was tired of losing. Tired of losing to a girl like Kelsey and eventually had enough hatred to start thinking how she could get rid of her. I knew this because she told me. And I played along pretending to secretly hate Kelsey because I didn't want her getting hurt. I was looking out for her and because I loved her.

"Got any ideas on how to get Kelsey out of this school?" Brienna asked, jokingly. She came by my locker, Chanel perfume permeating through the hall.

"Um, body bag?" I said, faking a smile. Brienna laughed, and it annoyed me to brink of wanting to punch her in the face.

You're doing this for Kelsey, I thought. Because you don't want her to get hurt. You're saving her from humiliation or devastation. Or both.

"No, seriously, Charlie," Brienna whined. "I can't stand being around her. I don't know how you can or why. I mean, don't you just want to do something about it before this bitch ruins the school?"

"Well, what do you want to do? Brienna, you can't just god damn get rid of her without anyone noticing. It's insane."

Brienna sighed. "But me and my friends have been thinking about this. Like, what if you could get rid of someone you hated the most? What if you could get away with it? It would be worth it. I'm just trying to make the most out of this year because next year we'll be seniors and then we'll be out." I stared at her for a moment. I thought she was crazy. I wanted to slap that smirk right off her face, I needed to do something to stop Brienna from doing anything. But I just stood there because I thought I was helping her.
"C'mon, think about it. Drop by my place at 7:00 with my friends. We can pitch ideas. And then you and me can be all by ourselves." She winked and I stopped myself from gagging heavily. "If you know what I mean."

"I-I'll think about it," I said. I desperately wanted to end the conversation but wasn't sure how.

"Great. Bye, babe." Brienna turned around exiting the hallways, her trailing Chanel stench with her. I knew Brienna liked me. It was obvious and desperate, but I knew I could use it to my advantage. Because I ditched that good-boy image long ago and I was doing it for the right cause. I thought I was saving her even when she said she didn't need it. Inside though I knew she couldn't be saved if I didn't stop it from where it started.
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I rang the large doorbell to Brienna Hills' house. I contemplated whether I should do it or not, but made the decision that Kelsey deserved to be helped. After all the times she saved me.

"Charlie! I'm glad you decided to make it," Brienna said as soon as she answered the door. She hugged me, leaving me startled and nose dying of the overdose of Chanel.

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