Chapter II - Heinous

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It is pitch-black outside. Storm is brewing in the skies, as fog settles around the woods.

In the distance we can make out the shape of something similar to a small fountain. A woman appears hovering over the artifact. Maya (19), in boho style clothes, bold makeup and messy hair. She is doing a ritual. She calls upon the Spirits to guide her. We see a backshot of the girl, as something is approaching her.

Maya stops her ritual; she notices she's not alone. Without trying to be too obvious, she retrieves in her steps and slowly makes her way out of the woods. The girl seems to know the place quite well, as she slowly navigates her exit.

Loud, yet slow footsteps hit the cold, hard ground, it is coming from behind the terrified girl. Maya picks up her pace, as the footsteps become louder, and at this point the girl just makes a run for it. She is almost out of the woods, when suddenly, dark shadow appears in front of her, the shadow resembles fog, and it takes the shape of a humanoid creature. The shadow stops forming, and a very odd looking, menacing creature appears in front of the already petrified girl.

The creature is a demon, no doubt. It is towering over Maya with its pointy ears, greyish skin, and wrinkled forehead. It has a menacing grin on its face as it approaches the girl. The demon has sharp fangs running from one side of its face to the other, with its flash exposed on its disfigured mouth. Maya breaks the silence, as she tries to show the creature she's not scared, but she doesn't seem to be very convincing.


(with a shaky voice)

I have my circle's protection; you can't hurt me!

The demon tilts its head, noticing the girl pulling out a talisman from her bag. She raises it above her head, in the direction of the demon. The creature seems unphased.


(in trance)

Vistendros, incendia unos vosser

She keeps on repeating this incantation maniacally, and the talisman begins lighting up. The demonic creature weakens, as the girl chants away. Maya then snaps out of it, and the feeling of glory settles on her face. However, her victory only lasts a couple of seconds because the demon gets up on its feet as if nothing had happened. Maya looks frantic at this point.



It's not possible... you shouldn't...

The creature grabs the girl by the neck and raises her in the air. It penetrates the girl's chest, we get a close glimpse at her face, with blood dripping out of her mouth. The sound of something ripping can be heard, and Maya falls unconscious.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2023 ⏰

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