usually my routine.

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Today, as I write in this diary, I get to sing a lot. I even write my own songs! I wear hypno-shades, but I take them off  to sleep. If I sleep with them, I am gonna get a HEADACHE! And trust me, I do not want that. Maybe I should stop writing now. Waking up early is NOT part of my beauty sleep! I am going to play a new song today, and I have everything planned, and my schedule: PACKED! So beauty sleep is like, important. Instead, I want to sing. I sing for a reason, and that is that. So, diary, see you in the morning, or, tomorrow! Stay Stinging~!


Callie's Pov:

I wonder to myself: What happened to my hpyno shades? Did they break, did they get demolished, or are they still there? This cabin is the only thing that can shield me from the wind outside. I guess I can see my old video... I look at the video Bomb Rush Blush, and press play. Damn, my singing sounded good along with rock, I think. But looking at my hypno-shades, I feel wearing them. I decide to find some random video to watch to cure my boredom, but I see it. That video, those hypno shades... I press the video. The video starts out with a camera turning on, with a octoling, no, a jellyfish octoling tied to a chair. ¨No...she didn't deserve this...¨ I pause the video, and show it to my sister, Marie. Marie looks at the video, as I unpause it. ¨Callie, what is this?¨ I look at her worried expression. ¨The same thing that happened to me, Marie. I get captured, lose my memory, and get saved.¨ Marie looks at the screen with widened eyes. ¨No, we gotta save her, even if we don't know her! Agent 4 left long ago, so maybe a new-¨

CLANG! ¨Wwahh..¨

Marie looks outside her window, and I look outside the window. I see...another inkling! ¨I'm going  to check her out, and see if she's okay!!¨ ¨Wait, Callie, we don't know if she is evil!¨ I rush out of the cabin door, and check up on the inkling. ¨Hello? Random girl? You there?¨ Maybe I should wait until she wakes up...

Mona Pov

Once I woke up, I looked at my nightstand. Whew. If the lamp was still on, I would have been lectured by now. I looked behind me, and saw the buttons. I pressed the one that said breakfast. A tray popped out of nowhere. The tray was filled with yummy things: A octo-custard, covered with blue glaze and a single scoop of vanilla cream, some crab-cake sliders, and a sea foam float. My life is the best in the world! After eating all that delicacy, I went over to my vanity, filled with all the things I needed to be a popstar singer, like myself. 2 guards came in, and did my makeup for me, and I looked pretty. Always appreciate yourself, no matter what, am I right? I got up, and looked into my closet. There was casual wear, singing wear, and a blue kimono with pompoms on the neck part. I put on my casual wear, which was a light blue long sleeved shirt that said ¨I Came To Sing, Not Sleep¨, with fluff at the bottom of the sleeves, and long dark blue jeans, and blue high heels. I mean, who wouldnt strut down a red carpet without them? The same 2 octoling guards escort me to the idea room, where i saw costume designers draw on paper, and music designers talk about genre and style. I went to the vocal room, where I sang lyrics. I look at the paper in my hands. I looked at the mic, the people watching, AND the paper, and I was stressed out. I sang the lyrics in the mic: ¨Wanna be a star in the dark blue? Be careful what you wish for, it would come true! Stand back, stargazer, because I'm going to be a star! The ocean melody, is what you came to see, so feast your eyes on me, and me only! Stargazer, look at the star, how they twinkle like lights now. You see only, from the ground. Dissappearing, back up and, see how I shine like a star! Move it, like you never did! Get ready, igniting! The star is falling! Stargazer, look at me! I am a star that you see! Stargazer, see me! See me dance until the sun comes up! Stargazer, feel the power! Feel the beauty, when you look at me! Feel the magic, feel the music surging inside you and me, and all the others! Look at the stars! And then see me!¨ After a bit of vocal practice, I needed to do dance practice. Dance practice was how I moved during singing. After that, I returned to my room. Looking into my closet, I grabbed out a blue kimono, and took some pills. The pills were for having headaches without my hypnoshades, and they lasted only 2 hours. I put on the blue kimono, and was escorted to the meeting room. There, I saw dad, sitting in a big throne, while I sat on a medium-sized one. ¨So, how are the new Octo-Bosses going?¨ A octoling girl looked at him, with a blank look in her eyes. ¨Well, Octavio, the plans are going well. The Octo-Bug is coming along quite well, along with using samples from the Octo Warriors.¨ Dad looked at the Octoling, with a wide smile. ¨Well, then, however using the symbol of my little girl's band to surprise the next agent that comes across us?¨ The octoling nodded to daddy. ¨Ÿes, Octavio, but the inkling probably has seen her, or knows her.¨ ¨Well, then just do it! I want the agent to know who she is! Now get to work! Meeting. Over.¨ All the octolings stood up and left. ¨Now, Mona, I want you to know that a inkling wants to steal you away from your life, and claim to be you!¨ I was shocked.  

Some Inkling hates me for no reason!! 

I mean, ONE does,  but not the other ones, like the ones that live in the city, and do turf wars, and other stuff! 

But still...why do they hate me? Are my songs just not good enough? Or am I not good enough?

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