23. Pijama day

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"Please just let me have 10 more minutes!" I groaned as Kai continued to lick my face. I could tell he wanted to go out for a wee but I was too tired to get up.

I've had barely any sleep the past few days and I was exhausted.

It was evident by the way I looked, my eyebags were bigger and a lot more obvious than they usually are. I'm gonna need a lot of concealer to hide it.

I just got back to England yesterday afternoon along with the rest of my little crew. It was now Friday, meaning the Spanish GP was 5 days ago and to say the race didn't go well for my boys would be an understatement.

Well, other than George who has secured a podium finish in third. My Uncle ended up in P7, Gasly only just able to snatch points in P10 and then Alex in P16 with Lando just behind him.

They were all grumpy bitches the rest of the week except George so to say it was a very draining few days would be an understatement. They all managed to even bring my mood down.

They then proceeded to all complain about the fact I wasn't going to Canada next weekend. I wasn't supposed to be going to Austria either but they refused to not let me go as it meant if i didn't go they would all miss my birthday and none of them were too keen on that fact.

I had begun drifting off to sleep again when Kai decided to lay on top of me. What a wonderdul dog he is.

"ugh fine!" i groaned as i dragged myself out of bed not caring about my appearance at all.

The only other person in the building was Pierre who has decided he's crashing here till next weekend. He was supposed to be going back to France but didn't have the effort and has decided to have all his meetings via Zoom or whatever it's called.

Once I let Kai out the back door and left it open a crack so he could come back in whenever he so wished I put the kettle on.

I'm dying for a cup of tea right now.

Just as the kettle finished boiling I heard a loud crash from upstairs. What the hell is Pierre up to?

Deciding my cup of tea can wait I ran upstairs and slowly entered the guest bedroom. "Pierre what the fuck are you doing?" I mumbled as I spotted the Frenchman on the floor rubbing his head.

He totally just fell off the bed.

"Please tell me you have drugs to cure my brewing concussion?" Good to know I wasn't the only tired human being in the house, Pierre looked to be more exhausted than myself.

"There's paracetamol downstairs... come on you," I said as I grabbed a hold of his hands and pulled him up to his feet.

When we got back downstairs I grabbed out two mugs and made us both a cup of tea, "here," I passed him his mug and then chucked some paracetamol at him.

"Where's my little man Kai?"

I looked around to see he hadn't come back inside and peered quickly out the window to see him searching the garden for god knows what. "Outside."

I then popped some crumpets into the toaster and got out the butter from my fridge. I'm convinced crumpets solve everything, god I missed my crumpets.

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