1 Sophie

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I woke up this morning with a massive headache it might have been from the party last night , and I have a massive Hangover but I hope not because Evelyn is going to kill me if I have a hangover at Dance practice today.

I got up from my bed groaning from the sensation that settles in my head making my head spin in sirkles. I walk to the bathroom opening the medicine cabinet taking out a Aspirin and drinking some water to sooth the pain that's killing my head right now. I walk to my shower turning it on waiting for the water to reach the desired temperature then I undress and stand under the warm shower letting the hot water roll down my chest and back.


I walk down the stairs of our shared house with Madison and Brooklyn.

I grab a bowl and cereal walking to the table

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I grab a bowl and cereal walking to the table.Sitting down I poor the cereal in the bowl with milk,taking a bite of the cereal I unlock my phone and scroll on social media

Sitting down I poor the cereal in the bowl with milk,taking a bite of the cereal I unlock my phone and scroll on social media

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I liked the post of Whiskers and Ethan and lock my phone finishing the cereal in front of me. After that Brook came home with an coffee and a doughnut for me."Thank you Brook you're the best." I stand from the couch and help her carry the things "Of course Soph. So when are you leaving to go to dance practice?" She asked handing the coffee and doughnut to me "Uhm I think it's 12 o'clock then I might head out maybe the Massive headache will vanish mysteriously." I chuckled sipping on my coffee the sweet brew spreading deliciousness all over my mouth.


I got dressed after the doughnut and coffee break and grabbed my house keys walking out of the house greeting the two lazy people on the couch and close the door behind me. I walk to my Dance practice it's not that far from the house we share that is on campus. I was walking when a vibration was sent up my arm, I looked at the phone in my hand. A message? From Ryan?

Me and Ryan have been having an Friends with benefits situation going on

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Me and Ryan have been having an Friends with benefits situation going on. I'm not ready to commit to a relationship yet and Ryan is used to this Friends with benefits shit its been like almost 5 months. We agreed that If we found someone the other wouldn't be mad or anything. I was busy typing my awnser but then a muscular body came flying into me It looked like he was in a hurry or something. "Ow fuck." I curs landing on my ass that would probably leave a mark. "Oh my God are you okay?" The muscular figure crouched down beside me. I looked at him and Jesus Christ he was hot, A brunette with the most amazing light brown eyes searching my face for any bruises. His lightly tanned skin glowing in the sun light "Uh I think so." He extended his hand so that he can help me up I gladly accepted his offer letting him pull me up I stand up straight dusting off my clothes and pick up my bag and phone on the floor

"I'm so sorry for that but I really need to get going I'm already late as it is." He rushes off the direction he was heading before running into to me . I scoff at him "Asshole." I mutter under my breath and continued to walk to Dance practice


If I hear the word 'Again' in a sentence followed by my name I might just kill someone or rip my head of my torso. My feet are burning "I'm trying." I say out of breath after trying the steps for probably  the 100th time already, don't get me wrong Dance is my whole life but. I'll admit Dance ain't for pussies you need to get the steps exactly and if you don't the pressure will consume you whole, until getting it exactly "Well clearly not hard enough." Evelyn sighs "You know what pack these up and head home ,get rest try not to come back with a hangover will you." I nod hiding the shocked expression on my face by now the hangover has been mild but the fact that this woman even knew I had one is fucking insane "Don't act all surprised Sophie I do have social media you know." With that being said she turned and left me all alone to clean up the things scattered all around the floor.


I flopped down on the couch dreadfully tired of the day. Madison and Brooklyn came down the stairs at the same time probably hearing my struggles and came down to comfort me .They both came up to me Brooklyn lifted my head sitting down and resting my head on her lap and Madison sitting on the other end putting my feet on her lap "Evelyn is a bitch Soph don't worry about her." Madison says whilst Brook traces shapes and forms on my back soothingly calming me down "Tell me about it." I scoff at Madisons remark bit knowing it's the truth "And a fucking Blood hound I swear. She can smell shit from 10 miles away like what the fuck." I chuckled for probably the first time today. I sit straight Inbetween the both of them "Did yall know she follows me on social media." I look at them "Who knew a grandmother knew how to work social media." I try to suppress a smile at Brooks words but I couldn't hold it in anymore I broke out laughing both of them joining the laughter soon after. "On the bright side I met an handsome Douchebag." I say still smiling "Oh ya?, what happend?"Madison asked "So I was typing an awnser for Ryan but then he ran into me making me fall to my ass, I mean he atleast checked if I was fine that gave me an opportunity to scan him he was probably like a year or two older than me but the has brunette colored hair and the best light drown eyes I could probably drown in them and a lightly tanned skintone. After that he ran away I'm guessing he was in a hurry." I explain what happened and how he looked exactly

"Oh he sounds cute and all but what's his name?" I looked At Brook who asked the question and my eyes widend I was so caught up in examining his features that I didn't even ask his name. I groan loudly my hands covering the embarrassment flashing over my face my head resting on Brooks shoulder "IM SO FUCKING STUPID." I yell into my hands

I just wanted to say thank you so much for reading the first ever chapter of A Name To A Face .I hope yall enjoyed the chapter as much as I did writing it but I still can't believe you made it this far in this book

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