2 Jayden

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My alarm was buzzing in my ears ,startling me. I grab my phone from my night stand seeing a bunch of messages from Ethan

 I grab my phone from my night stand seeing a bunch of messages from Ethan

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FUCK. FUCK. FUCK. FUCK. ITS 11:45 .I jumped from my bed. Why'd I go into a fucking food coma the day before fucking baseball practice. I didn't even shower I just threw on a pair. Of sweats and a white t and threw my glove and practice gear in my bag. It was now 11:50 it's about an 15 minute walk from my dorm to the baseball field so if I just start running I might make it in about 7 to 10 minutes I closed and locked my dorm and started running I looked down to the watch on my wrist seeing its 11:53 but then a small figure crashed into me or I crashed into her.

"Ow fuck." I was about to just continue running scared to me late but I changed my mind it could have been my fault. She fell on her ass and I crouched down to her level
"Oh my God are you okay." I was scanning her face and God damnit she's drop dead gorgeous her heterochromia (greenish blue ) eyes are looking at my face memorizing every single inch her golden brown hair dropping down from her shoulders. Honey lemon fulled My nostrils I took a beep breath without her k owing of course she might think in fucking wierd if she knew I was smelling her

"Uh I think so." I stand straight extending my hand for her to use to stand up, she was hesitant but she took my hand and for fuck sakes her hands were so soft I'd do anything to hold those hands all day not to mention how kissable those lips look rn but then realization hit me right in the fucking face and fuck it hurt like fucking shit. I glance back at my watch again it's 11:56 no fucking was I was looking at her for only 3 minutes it felt like an hour already but I really need to go now

"I'm so sorry about that but I really need to get going I'm already late as it is." I run again towards the field but I caught my self looking back to the beauty that I just ran into I was so distracted that I actually Fucking ran straight into a fucking poll


I arrived at the field Ethan was already waiting for me I was about 5 minutes late if I didn't run into that poll earlier I would have been fine. Everytime coach opens his mouth is all I can hear her sweet voice ringing in my ears making my hart pound against my chest. I think I might be fucking obsessed for fuck sakes

"Who would have thought Jayden mother fucking Walton is obsessed with someone." Ethans elbow find my ribs poking them. Ethan noticed my preformance was very off but it's hard to fucking focus when all I can think about her "Stop or ill turn you're face upside-down." I threaten him but he seems unbothered by my threat "So who's the lucky lady or man not judging." I chuckled "It's a Girl E she has beautiful Golden brown hair heterochromia colored eyes and a beautiful lightly tanned skintone." I told him but I was holding back the most important thing the fact that I just wanna kiss the living crap outa this girl or the fact that I don't even know her fucking name "Okay... but like what's her name?" I don't know "I don't know." I repeat outloud "I was running late so I had to run to the field and I ran into het like literally ran into her ."


I was scrolling on instagram when I actually found her I found her ig

Man this girl is fucking gorgeous but for some odd fucking reasons was she not the one getting my attention my attention was pulled by the people who liked her post

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Man this girl is fucking gorgeous but for some odd fucking reasons was she not the one getting my attention my attention was pulled by the people who liked her post. Ethan knew her. Madison knew her. What the fuck how'd I never seen this before. For God sakes I didn't even know Ethan knew someone this fucking gorgeous. How does Ethan know her? A wierd sensation settled in the pit of my stomach making me red hot out of anger. Am I jealous of my own best friend? Oh God I am jealous, what do I do now should I ask him how he knows her maybe I should ask my sister clearly she knows her maybe there friend maybe she could introduce us. I look at the name of the account 'SuperSoph' I've never heard of a name like that on campus buy yet again this college is fucking huge.

I'm going to regret this, ain't I? I clicked on the profile picture clicking on every single one of her post I stare at my phone screen memorizing every inch of her face even some of her side profile pictures. I click on a post seeing 'The girl' standing next to a dirty blond girl with glasses and beautiful green eyes but no eyes can be compared to her heterochromia colored eyes and on the other side of her is My sister her hand on the girls shoulder and the dirty blonds hands on the curve of her waist. I can't help to wonder how she'd feel underneath my touch how'd she'd react to my hand on her hips and waist

My thoughts were interupted by the buzz of my phone and the name E Garcia flashes on my screen. I bring the phone to my ears talking into it "Yo what's up dude?" "Dude you free Friday night?" Ethans voice rang through my ears "Uh ya I think so why?" I sit straight up right in my bed waiting for his awnser "My Brother is throwing a party and he invited me and said to invite anyone I'd like it's just a basketball party no big deal. I heard there's going to be lots of hot chicks dude so are you in or what?" I nod to myself "Ya dude I'll be there." "Sick dude bye I'll talk to you tomorrow night dude." "Night." I replied his words ringing in my ears 'I heard there's going to be lots of hot chick's.' I throw my phone aside. The only hot chick I wanna see is the girl from instagram.

I just finished this chapter and well I'm not sure what the hell to think of it but I'll start writing chapter 3 in a moment

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2023 ⏰

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