Once In A Life Time

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Betty Cooper was sitting at her piano humming a tune she had thought of that day in school. She didn't have any words yet but she get to those later. Betty is an aspiring musician from the North side of town. She writes and performs all her own songs but always wanted something more. She knew to really make it she'd have to move to a place like New York or Hollywood but all she could do right now was dream.

 When Betty walked down the stairs to get a drink she noticed her mother standing in the kitchen. She must've just gotten home from work.

 "Hi honey, how was your day?"

 Betty smiled and said.

"Yeah it was good I was just working on a song I thought of in school." 

Alice looked at her daughter and said proudly handing her a piece of paper.

"Well your gonna need them because I saw a poster tacked to the notice board in work about this talent show thing that Riverdale hosting and apparently there will be a lot of scouts from record companies there and they're also picking 5 acts and flying them out to LA to talk about getting a record deal!!!"

Betty was in shock. She just stood there staring at the paper. This was Betty's chance. This was her opportunity to make it in music and fulfill her life's ambition. And she wasn't gonna waste it. After all, It was a once in a life time opportunity.

Betty hugged her mother and said wearily.

"Are you sure about me going to LA by myself?"

Alice chuckled.

"Betty this has been your dream since you could talk trust me I would never want to get in the way of that, I'm not saying it won't be scary but I'll always be 1 call away." 

Betty smiled thinking about how lucky she to have such a wonderful and supportive mother.

"There's just one thing I want Betty."

Alice's voice suddenly went serious and Betty was confused what could have made her mother take such a dramatic change in tone.


Betty said cautiously.

"Well both sides of the town are gonna be at this thing, now don't get wrong I have nothing against the southside but some of them are really dangerous just be careful ok?"

 Betty nodded and said. 

"Don't worry mom I will."

And with that Betty walked back up to her room.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2023 ⏰

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